Jair Bolsonaro says he will only accept help if Macron retracts


President Jair Bolsonaro said Tuesday that Brazil He would be willing to discuss the help offered by the G7 to fight fires in the Amazon if his French couple, Emmanuel Macron, "withdraw the insults".

"Mr. Macron must first remove the insults he has uttered against me. First of all, he called me a liar and then, for information I had, our sovereignty in the Amazon is an open question.

"Speaking or accepting anything from France, with the best possible intentions, he [Macron] will have to remove those words and from there we can talk"he added.


The Bolsonaro government refuses help for fire in the Amazon

Monday evening, the Minister of the Civil Chamber (position similar to that of chief of staff), Onyx Lorenzoni, he said that Brazil would dispute the $ 20 million fund offered by the Western powers of the G7 at its summit in Biarritz (France) to fight fires in Amazonian countries.

"We appreciate [la oferta], but maybe these resources are more relevant to reforest Europe "Lorenzoni said on a blog on the G1 information portal.

Brazil has sent planes and troops to fight fires in the Amazon region.

Satellite data from the National Research Institute of Brazil (INPE) represent 82,285 fire points until Monday at 18:00 GMT, or 51.9% of the total in the Amazon.

Total brands an 80% increase in light bulbs compared to 2018.

Tensions between France and Brazil have increased since Macron last week called leaders of major industrial democracies to an urgent discussion at the G7 summit on fires in the Amazon. Bolsonaro responded by accusing him of having a "colonialist mentality".

The exchange of words has even reached its personal side, President Bolsonaro laughing on Facebook about a comment against Brigitte Macron, France's first lady.

"It's sad," Macron replied. "I hope the Brazilians will quickly have a president who will behave this way"he added.


Macron answered Bolsonaro for his wife's teasing

Brazilian media reported that Macron had declared that an "international status" for the Amazon could be achieved if Brazil did not control the deforestation of the world's largest rainforest in the face of expanding agricultural and agricultural activities. deforestation.


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