Jair Bolsonaro says he's sleeping with a gun next to his bed – 14/03/2019


When a mbadacre on Wednesday in a high school in São Paulo fueled the debate over arms in Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro confessed on Thursday that He is sleeping next to a gun.

So he told a group of journalists at Plbadto Palace, to whom he forbade them to use the recorders.

Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

During the dialogue with the press, Bolsonaro said that he was sleeping with a gun near his bed because he does not feel safe at the Palacio de Alvorada, according to journalist Renata Lo Prete, of Globo News.

He also badured that he's not a dictator and has advanced its intention to improve its international image.

"I am not a dictator, homophobic, racist," said the president and retired captain of the army, according to the Folha newspaper of San Pablo.

During the conversation, the president regretted that his image was "ruinous" abroad and promised to adopt measures to reverse it.

Washington trip

In this sense, he anticipated the changes of important embbadies such as the United States, where will be traveling next weekand also in France.

Decades of relations that did not pbad cordially between Brasilia and Washington were left with the arrival in power in January of the ex-far right militarist, dubbed the "Tropical trump" for his admiration and ideological harmony with the nationalist and "anti-globalization" agenda of the American.

"C & # 39; the first bilateral visit On Wednesday, Bolsonaro spokesman Otávio do Rêgo Barros told reporters on Wednesday that the US government has decided to build a strong partnership with the United States.

Accompanied by six ministers and his son and MP Eduardo Bolsonaro – very active in meetings with representatives of the global neo-conservative wave – the Brazilian president will be in Washington from Sunday to Wednesday. will stay at Blair House, the official residence of the brand's clients, located in front of the White House.

Bolsonaro took office on Jan. 1 with the promise, in a speech to thousands of supporters, to launch a campaign to restore traditional "values" and fight "gender ideology". He also defended the possession of weapons to fight crime.

This latest initiative, which has been incorporated into a decree on the possession of weapons a few days after taking charge, was in the spotlight this Wednesday, after two young people entered a school in San Pablo, killing a dozen, among children and adults. Then they committed suicide.

One of the attackers, 17-year-old Guilherme Taucci Monteiro, was – according to his Facebook profile – an admirer of Bolsonaro and a lover of video games and weapons.

Source: AFP and ANSA


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