Jair Bolsonaro seeks to break away from the defeat of his …


The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, tried to distance himself from poor performance of their sponsored in the first round of municipal elections on Sunday. Instead, he preferred to talk about an alleged weakening of the left and criticize the counting system in force in the country. Of the 13 candidates supported by Bolsonaro for the country’s mayors, nine failed, two managed to get to the second round scheduled for November 29 and only two were elected in municipalities without national projection: Ipatinga, in the state of Minas Gerais, and Parnaíba, in Piauí. His most notorious setback happened in San Pablo, the economic and financial capital of the country, where his protégé Celso Russomano came in fourth place.

Bolsonaro also backed a handful of potential advisers, only a minority of whom emerged victorious, including his son Carlos in Rio de Janeiro, even if lost 36 thousand votes and he was no longer the most voted mayor of the capital Fluminense as in 2016. On the ground of the left, parties like the PSOL and the Communist Party of Brazil, which will contest second rounds in the state capitals, are emerging as possible alternatives and undermine the hegemony of the Workers’ Party (PT), of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

“The left suffered a historic defeat in these elections, a clear sign that the conservative wave of 2018 has come to stay, ”Bolsonaro tweeted. My help to a few mayoral candidates came down to four lives“on social media” for a total of three hours, “he added.” By 2022, I am sure that at the polls we will consolidate our democracy with an improved electoral system. God, country and family»Concluded the far-right president.

Bolsonaro, without a party since his split from the Social Liberal Party (PSL) last year, was little involved in the start of the campaign. But in the home stretch and in the face of polls unfavorable to his allies, he started daily live broadcasts on his social networks which were questioned for breaking campaign rules. The president deleted a Facebook post on Sunday asking for support for candidates who were mostly beaten.

This Monday, arriving at the official residence, Bolsonaro again questioned the electoral justice system of counting the votes and at times imitated his admired American counterpart, Donald Trump, who continues to wave the possibility of fraud without any evidence. reliable. “We need a control system that leaves no doubt”Bolsonaro said when he questioned Sunday’s vote count, which was around four hours behind schedule, despite being fully concluded early in the morning.


The higher electoral court attributed the delay to technical problems in their computer systems, which during the day had suffered a hacker attack which, according to the authorities, was “totally repelled”. Anyway, despite the delay compared to the initial forecast, In the space of eight hours, the votes of nearly 148 million voters in 5,569 cities across the country were counted, with no complaints of fraud having been known to date..

Still, Bolsonaro said that “if we don’t have a reliable way to make the choices, the doubt will always remain“According to the president, it is necessary for the country to have” a reliable and rapid control “which” leaves no room for assumptions. “In this sense, he insisted on his proposal to re-adopt voting by ballot, instead of the electronic ballot box that the country has been using since 1996.


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