Jair Bolsonaro suffers from a relapse and will remain in the hospital – 05/02/2019


The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, returned to a semi-intensive care unit after beginning antibiotic treatment before an apparent infection contracted by recovering from the third operation for the stabbing he suffered last year. This motivated the dismissal of his sick leave to next week.

According to the spokesman of the Presidency, Otavio do Rego Barros, the president Monday presented a "temperature rise" and a "modification" of some of his clinical badyzes, indicating an increase in the number of leukocytes, were therefore administered by the doctors. antibiotics "broad spectrum" to "attack any type of infection".

Photograph provided by the presidency showing the place where he shows Jair Bolsonaro, working in the hospital room, before the relapse. / EFE file

Photograph provided by the presidency showing the place where he shows Jair Bolsonaro, working in the hospital room, before the relapse. / EFE file

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

The doctors they found some liquid in the area where the colostomy bag that the president had had was removed.

The liquid was drained. And I would have no more fever or pain, but you can not leave the hospital until Mondaysaid Do Rego.

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"He has been identified a collection of liquid next to the intestine in the area of ​​the old colostomy. (Bolsonaro) was subjected to a puncture "and" remains drained on the spot, "explained in turn the medical team.

According to this section, Bolsonaro, who took power on January 1, was "painless, without fever, fasting orally, with nasogastric tube and exclusive parenteral nutrition ".

View of the entrance to the Albert Einstein Jewish Hospital in San Pablo (Brazil). / EFE

View of the entrance to the Albert Einstein Jewish Hospital in San Pablo (Brazil). / EFE

In addition, the president "already presents the movements of the intestines", had "two episodes of evacuation" and continues to perform breathing exercises and muscle strengthening.

Despite the relapse of the head of state, Rego Barros pointed out that the painting of Bolsonaro it's "in the meantime" by the medical staff, believing that he had undergone three surgeries in less than four months, "two of them having an emergency character".

He added that "there is no negative aspect" regarding the operation to which the president was submitted last Monday, when doctors withdrew the colostomy bag.

Bolsonaro is medicated "for a possible infectious process". He will therefore remain in the Albert Einstein hospital in San Pablo for at least another seven days, the spokesman said.

The Albert Einstein Jewish Hospital in San Paulo (Brazil) ./ EFE

The Albert Einstein Jewish Hospital in San Paulo (Brazil) ./ EFE

"Wednesday, it will not be the day of the release of our president, even if he has entered a phase of their administration antibiotics for at least seven days ", he said at a press conference.

Bolsonaro was subjected to a third operation a week ago as a result of the attack suffered last September, explaining that the president had also suffered a puncture after detecting the presence of liquid near the aircraft. 39; intestine.

According to his spokesman, Bolsonaro would in "absolute rest", will not have any formal commitment over the next two days and visits "are reserved for family members and relatives".

"It's a man who is fighting for his life to run the country," concluded the spokesman.

Source: DPA and EFE


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