Jair Bolsonaro, the army and criminal crime – 19/02/2019


For the Brazilian racket with Bolsonaro, it is important not to leave the eyes of his eyes: our economy depends very much on that of Brazil and its march depends a lot on the election year.

In the first 11 months of 2018, we sold it for $ 12,934 million and we bought it for $ 14,345 million. There is complementation as with cars and there is competition as with meats. The game with the cars called keep the Mercosur wired: exchange of auto parts and finished products. The cost of this protection is borne by consumers, especially Argentines: they are the most expensive cars in the world.

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Apart from that, the most important problem is wheat. Despite their efforts, Brazil does not become autonomous. Mercosur has set a rate of 15% for all countries in the extra zone. And Argentina benefits from this advantage: it sells more than 5 million tons a year, about 1,500 million US dollars. There is a lot of wheat in the world, and particularly in the United States, the largest exporter, which is putting pressure on Bolsonaro to sell it without a tariff.

Bolsonaro spent almost as many days in the presidency as in the hospital, which is unusual, even in a region accustomed to the strangest things. And upon leaving the hospital, he exploited a conflict with the Secretary General of the Presidency and the leader of his party in the campaign, Gustavo Bebianno.

The main accuser or stalker was Carlos Bolsonaro, the middle son, adviser to Rio and the pit bull of the family. Children 01, 02 and 03 are told according to their age. Carlos fully credited the results of a journalistic investigation revealing funds discrepancies, namely corruption. With Bebianno the vice, other ministers, including several military and the leaders of the parliamentary blocs of the ruling party, aligned themselves. It did not happen to him.

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Bebianno it was the most active channel in the relationship with a legislature which is a rainbow of colors and political interests: about thirty parties are represented there. The government's efforts to approve the strategic pension reform are a blow because they consider the starting point of a new cycle of economic growth. Markets have done well: the dollar has risen and the stock market has fallen. And there is less optimism about the rise in GDP.

Bolsonaro wants to bring to retirement age 62 for women and 65 for men, something less than what Guedes had proposed, his Minister of the Economy, a model for the future. Chicago Liberal School in an ultra-conservative government.

Bebianno is a bolonarian of the first hour. The weekend revealed to the media their disappointment and anger. He spoke of ingratitude and disloyalty and even stated or was told that he was concerned about the president's mental health and the effect of family involvement in decisions of the president.

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Everyone denied that Bolsonaro would kick him out as soon as he took office Monday and the Official Journal. Bebianno tried to put the reverse gearHe added that he had no intention of attacking the president and denied dealing with him insane. He did not reach it either. The Bolsonaro spokesman made the dismissal official with another extravagance: he attributed the case to "a private matter".

To avoid further scandals, he will be replaced by a soldier: General Floriano Peixoto. With him, between ministers and deputy ministers are 12 soldiers in a cabinet of 22. Not to mention this predominance, in Brazil and begins to talk about his democracy.


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