Jair Bolsonaro: “The Brazilian people are strong” | AND…


Without a mask and addressing a group of his followersBrazilian President Jair Bolsonaro criticized preventive measures against the coronavirus, in particular the containment decreed by some regional and municipal governments in Brazil.

The Brazilian president visited the municipality of Propriá, where a bridge was inaugurated between the state of Sergipe and the state of Alagoas, located in the northeast of the country. The took the opportunity to criticize the containment measures they adopted regional governments and appealed to governors. “Just an opinion, but this shutdown and stay at home policy didn’t work”Bolsonaro said.

Then he uploaded a video to his YouTube channel where, With no intention of respecting social distancing, greeting with handshakes and without a mask, the president approached a group of his supporters who was during the act in Propriá. Then, during the opening ceremony, he took a few minutes to talk about the BR-101 bridge and then criticized the quarantine measures. “The Brazilian people are strong and are not afraid of danger”, insured.

“If I were one of the many of you who are forced to stay at home with a wife and three children, I would be ashamed., insisted Bolsonaro, who during the pandemic placed the Eduardo Vazuello army at the head of the Ministry of Health. LThe president’s insistence against Covid-19 preventive measures has provoked serious rejection from the population.

Cacerolazos took place in the main cities of the country after learning about the hospital crisis in the state of Amazonas. Faced with impotence due to the shortage of oxygen tanks, Vazuello traveled to the city of Manaus, the capital of Amazonas, and suggested “early treatment” or preventive that included the application of chloroquine to them. sick, as well as a dewormer and liquid to eliminate lice.

In that same state, they detected a Covid-19 mutation, which scientists say may be more transmissible. Currently, the countries of the European Union (Belgium, France, Portugal and Finland), the United Kingdom, the United States and Argentina have established restrictions on flights from Brazil. However, the president insisted that “economy and life go hand in hand” and asked his supporters “to understand that confinement only leads to misery”. As well He again assured that the country will have vaccines to inoculate the entire population (about 210 million inhabitants), although on other occasions he has questioned the effectiveness of the vaccine. , even labeling them as “experimental”.

Brazil is also the third most contagious country in the world with around 9 million people infected and this is the second country to report the most coronavirus deaths with more than 220,000 people dying from the pandemic (It is only surpassed by the United States with around 430,000 dead), according to the Johns Hopkins University map.

Meanwhile, Human Rights Watch (HRW) accused the Bolsonaro government of using legislation inherited from the dictatorship – the National Security Act of 1983 – to persecute those who criticize the federal authorities’ handling of the coronavirus pandemic, even asking to investigate two journalists.


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