Jair Bolsonaro: “The people vibrate for the liberation of arms”


BRASILIA.- The President Jair Bolsonaro claimed that the Brazilian company welcomed recent decrees which free the sale of weapons and authorize the artisanal manufacture of projectiles.

“The city vibrates” With the flexibility of arms, said the president in San Francisco do Sul, a seaside resort in the south of the state of Santa Catarina where the carnival holidays are spent.

The decrees, published on Friday, allow shooters to purchase up to 60 guns, previously 30, make porting more flexible and allow crafting of projectiles which will not be registered with the authorities.

MP Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of the president, defended the flexibility of the sale and carrying of weapons during a speech to a group of bathers in Santa Catarina.

For his part, the first vice-president of the Chamber of Deputies, Marcelo Ramos, ally of Bolsonaro, warned that the head of state would face an invasion of his powers in his attempt to expand and relax the gun possession law, one of his great promises in the 2018 presidential election. “More serious than the content of the decrees relating to weapons drafted by the president is the fact that he has exceeded his functions,” criticized Ramos, who insisted on the fact that legislating is an “exclusive competence” of the legislature.

Ramos’ opinion was widely accepted in opposition to Bolsonaro among MPs, like that of the leader of the Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB) in the House, Rodrigo de Castro, who questioned the latest offensive of the Brazilian ruler in this regard, remember Folha de S. Paulo.

“Coping with the pandemic, advancing vaccination and helping Brazilians without income must be the country’s priorities and on which there must be a unity of efforts and commitments. Actions that relax the laws on arms and ammunition are inappropriate, ”he said.

For his part, the deputy of the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) Alessandro Molon announced that will present an appeal to the Supreme Court to overturn this initiative and he criticized that “on the very day that the increase in violent deaths in Brazil became known”, the president issued decrees “further facilitating access to arms”.

“We have already had a Supreme Court ruling questioning the constitutionality of the government’s arms policy and we are going to present a new petition to reverse these new initiatives,” said Molon, for whom Bolsonaro “wants to rule by decree. “.

However, the President of the House, Arthur Lira, a recognized ally of Bolsonaro, denied that the Brazilian head of state had exceeded his functions, even if, he specifies, certain points such as the increase in the number of weapons “can be corrected”. “He did not invade the powers, he did not cross the limits since, in my opinion, he modified the existing decrees. It is the prerogative of the president. He may have gone further on the issue of two guns per person, but that can be fixed, “he said, according to Or balloon.

Iván Marques, from the Brazilian Public Security Forum, said that legalization “buying machines to make ammunition at home is very dangerous”.

ANSA and DPA agencies


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