Jair Bolsonaro threatened to imprison the journalist who retransmitted Sergio Moro's conversations


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has threatened to arrest British journalist Glenn Greenwald for publishing the discussions that took place between former Judge Sérgio Moro and fighters in the Lava Jato case. for which former President Luiz Lula da Silva was imprisoned and expelled from the presidential race. President's comments on possible fate in prison of journalist who posted the discussions on the portal L & # 39; interception, This was considered a "serious attack on freedom of expression" by opposition parties and journalists' badociations, he said. EFE

The Intercept Brasil, founded by Greenwald, published the discussions between the Minister of Justice since June Sergio Moro, while he was judge responsible for the procedures of Lava Jato and prosecutor of this anti-corruption operation.

In the midst of this scandal, Moro's office issued an order Friday that: authorizes "summary" expulsion of foreigners deemed "dangerous"", according to the interpretation of the opposition a "clear threat" for Greenwald.

Far from reducing tensions, Bolsonaro defended Moro and badured reporters that Greenwald "may be calm" because he will not be deported but warned that he could be arrested.

A truth, not just or direct – more or more – a journalist to disseminate information of public interest (as a corruption of Moro), mesmo which, as often, had been obtained illegally. Journalists are only responsible for roubaram. Or full article: https://t.co/wt0hEXXs9r

– Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) July 26, 2019

"He's not leaving, you can rest easy. Maybe he's a prisoner here in Brazil, he will not be out, no, " Bolsonaro said, after participating this morning in a military ceremony in Rio de Janeiro. The officer also explained that he could not be expelled by the order of Moro because it did not match because "he was married to another man and adopted Brazilian children".

Greenwald lives in Rio de Janeiro and is married to MP David Miranda, with whom he has two adopted children. "Thief, thief, to avoid such a problem (to be deported), we marry another thief, or do not marry and adopt a child in Brazil", concluded the head of state, omitting that Greenwald has married his current couple 14 years ago.

"Contrary to the will of Bolsonaro, he is not (yet) a dictator.He does not have the power to order the imprisonment of people.There are still functioning courts." detain someone, the evidence must be submitted to a court that a crime has been committed.This evidence does not exist, "wrote Greenwald on Twitter.

The Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji) has stated that Bolsonaro "encourages and instigates serious attacks on freedom of expression" by "threatening a journalist who publishes information that he does not like not "with prison sentences.


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