Jair Bolsonaro threatens to break constitutional standards | New coup declarations by the president of Brazil


The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, once again threatened the Federal Supreme Court (STF) for including him in an investigation for spreading lies related to electoral fraud. “The time will come” Bolsonaro said about Alexandre de Moraes, the judge in charge of the case. After having read the STF’s decision The president was defiant and asked if his house would be searched. While this Thursday a manifesto in favor of the current electoral system was presented by businessmen, politicians and religious leaders of Brazil.

No more threats

“The time will come (for Moraes). Because he has been playing outside the four lines of the Constitution for a long time. I do not intend to go outside the four lines to question these authorities, but I believe the time is coming “Bolsonaro warned this Thursday on radio 93 FM in Rio de Janeiro. On Wednesday evening, the president assured that he could play outside the constitution to face an investigation which he considers illegal. Today he again stated that is ready to depart from constitutional norms face the highest court of the South American giant.

Troll funding

Bolsonaro was included in a investigation started in 2019 into a fake news machine to attack democracy by funding trolls and fascist media calling for the end of the Supreme Court as well as the intervention of the army in the judiciary. The president is indicted for 11 crimes related to this investigation.

As Bolsonaro maintained a provocative tone after hearing the Supreme Court’s decision and asking if their official residence will be searched. “Who are they going to send? The federal police or the armed forces?, called on Thursday the leader of the far right in front of a group of faithful at the gates of the Alvorada Palace, the presidential residence in Brasilia.

On Wednesday, Judge Moraes included the president in the case after several weeks in which Bolsonaro denounced electronic ballot fraud in the Brazilian electoral system and accused STF members of setting up alleged traps for him to lose in October 2022, as polls concede defeat to the current Brazilian president. The magistrate accepted the request of the president of the Higher Electoral Court (TSE), Luis Roberto Barroso, so that the president’s statements add to the process on the use of fake news.

Last week, Bolsonaro spoke for hours about the alleged pitfalls of Brazil’s electoral system and electronic voting, though at no time has he presented any evidence, the president demands that in the next elections the suffrage be resumed with ballots. In addition, he assured that a maneuver would be orchestrated in favor of the former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, whom all the polls position as the favorite candidate for the presidential election of 2022.

Scramble File

In his crusade against electronic voting, in force since 1996, Bolsonaro maintains that until the 2018 elections, which brought him to power, they were subject to fraud. In support of his claims, he cites TSE documents in which a “hacker” attack on the electoral system was exposed. However, this Thursday the TSE reiterated that the case mentioned by the president had been the subject of an investigation by the federal police and it was shown that the invader had access to the general judicial systems but not to those linked to the electoral process, which operate in other environments and they are protected by other codes. They also clarified that this was not “new information” and had already been clarified by the time it occurred..

“Brazil will have elections”

Meanwhile, a group of more than 250 businessmen, politicians, religious leaders, academics and artists spoke on Thursday in a manifesto in defense of the current electoral system, the target of Bolsonaro’s attacks.

“Brazil will have elections and its results will be respected”says the header of the document which also states that the country “is facing a major health, social and economic crisis”.

“Our more than 200 million inhabitants have dreams, aspirations and capacities to transform our society and build a more prosperous and fairer future”, the manifesto continues. According to the newspaper or balloon, among the signatories are businessmen such as Roberto Setúbal president of Itaú-Unibanco, the largest bank in the country, Guilherme Leal president of Natura, the global cosmetics manufacturer, Pedro Parente of the BRF Group, one of the world’s largest food exporters Yes former president of Petrobras. They also subscribed to the manifesto former ministers of state, former presidents of the central bank, former magistrates of the Supreme Court, renowned economists, as good as heads of major NGOs.

“Your results will be respected”

“This future will only be possible on the basis of democratic stability. The key principle of a healthy democracy is the holding of elections and the acceptance of their results by all parties concerned. Brazil’s electoral justice system is one of the most modern and respected in the world. We trust him and the current electronic voting system. Brazilian society is the guarantor of the Constitution and will not accept authoritarian adventures, ”concludes the manifesto, without directly citing Bolsonaro, who is leading a very hard and continuous campaign to discredit the process in force since 1996.

the former governor of the state of Espiritu Santo, Paulo hartung subscribed to the manifesto which was also open to new memberships. “The questioning of our successful electoral system is a bad copy of what we saw in the American elections, with the issue of postal voting”Hartung asserted as quoted by or balloon. “This is an attempt to take away the credibility of an unfavorable election result and it must be stopped by society. Brazilian civil society, which is very strong, must rise up against this», Specified the ex-governor.

The executive director of the NGO Conectas Human Rights, Joan kweitel, is also one of the signatories of the manifesto, which she considers “A way of saying enough to the president’s threats not to respect the election result”, told or balloon.

“It’s a very plural manifesto. The fact that people who think differently on many topics come together makes it quite representative and relevant. I hope this is the first of many movements emerging to respect the elections, ”he added.

the Cardinal Odilo Scherer, Archbishop of Sao Paulo; the rabbi of the Paulist Israelite congregation Michel Schlesinger Yes Nun Cohen Roshi, the main leader of Japanese Buddhism in the country, lead the group of religious who adhered to the manifesto. Also among the signatories are Drs Drauzio Varella, José Gomes Temporao, Margareth Dalholm and Raul Cutait, actors Marcos Palmeira, Regina Braga, activists Priscila Cruz and Rosangela Lyra.


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