Jair Bolsonaro votes for Mauricio Macri | He chairs …


"We are forcing the Argentinian people to choose a center-right candidate like Brazil, just like Paraguay, Chile, Peru and Colombia," Brazilian right-wing president Jair Bolsonaro said. a week before arriving in the country. First official visit to the campaign in favor of his partner Mauricio Macri, ally of the regional coalition aligned with the White House. Bolsonaro took six months to cross the border, but he will approve the president of Cambiemos and seal economic agreements, including the long bilateral negotiation between Mercosur and the European Union, which will consolidate free trade policies in the country. a global protectionist context.

"The business clbad is satisfied with us and the steps we are taking," said Bolsonaro during the early months of the government, which began with a contraction in the economy, as it is the case with the Macrista model. In the preview of his arrival Thursday in Buenos Aires, Bolsonaro offered him an interview with the newspaper La Nación, in order to reinforce the campaign in favor of his peer and ally who started a few weeks ago, with a single objective: to ensure that former President Cristina Kirchner does not return to power. During the interview, the far right was not able to badyze the peculiarities of the Argentine political process regarding cimbronazo, which implied the decision of the 39, former president to leave his post of presidential candidate and to run for vice-presidency. to reiterate its former common place macartista: "Cristina Kirchner was a great ally of Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff, and what Lula and Dilma defended here, via the Foro de San Pablo, with the unconditional support of Hugo Chávez, then Nicolás Maduro and the Cuban dictatorship, is an experience we do not want to repeat. "

"I hope that the Argentine people will think a lot about this during the elections," insisted Bolsonaro, giving no more reasons than the crusade against popular governments of the early twenty-first century and the regional alignment aligned with The White House: "The Argentineans choose a center-right candidate, like Brazil, what I want above all is that Argentina continues to defend democracy, freedom and free trade." When they consulted him on the change of strategy in the formula of the PJ-compliant front, he proposed a bewildering badysis: "There we enter an almost spiritual question: the pope can be Argentinian, but God is Brazilian." I hope the heart Argentine voters may be at that moment and they will really see what future they want. "

Regarding the delay of the official visit – which generated more than a short circuit between Itamary and Casa Rosada – Bolsonaro announced that it would focus on the delayed agreement between Mercosur and the European Union as well as than on a series of economic cooperation agreements. his delegation, the Ministers of Mines, Energy and the Economy. A week ago, the Minister of Economy, Pablo Guedes, again showed his distrust of the Argentine economy: "In the short term, we can become an Argentina with inflation from 30 to 40%. "


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