Jair Bolsonaro was stabbed but will not go to jail | Chronic


After completing various studies and psychiatry Adélio Bispo, who would attack the presidential candidate a few months ago Jair Bolsonaro, the judge Bruno Savino, first instance, concluded that the subject was not imputable, so that under Brazilian law, his criminal responsibility can not be engaged.

The author of the knife in Bolsonaro suffers from a mental disorder and can not be punished with a term of imprisonment, decided the judge of the case. It should be noted that Bispo is detained for the fact that occurred last September during a campaign in the Brazilian city of Juiz de Fora.

Bispo would go to a psychiatric hospital. (EFE).

The presidential candidate at the time had suffered severe injuries to the abdomen, which forced him to undergo three surgeries, the last of this year, to remove the colostomy bag that had been placed until reconstruction of its intestinal transit.

Since the attack, the aggressor is being held in a federal prison in Campo Grande, capital of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, and will remain there until the conclusion of the process that was against him, a process that will be reviewed after this decision.

In case of conviction, Bispo can be transferred to a psychiatric hospital.

"All the psychiatric health professionals who acted in such a situation, as well as the official experts and the technical badistants of the parties, agreed to conclude that he was suffering from a persistent delusional disorder", said the Federal Judge of Minas Gerais in a statement.

The complaint filed by the prosecutor's office and accepted by the judge states that the researcher has put "at risk the democratic regime" trying to interfere in the election result of last October, which finally won the far right Jair Bolsonaro in the second round with 55% of the vote.

On the basis of the arguments of the prosecution, Bispo planned the attack in advance in order to exclude the current president, in power since 1 January, the race for the presidency .

This thesis contrasts with the position of the defense of the author of the dagger, which ensures that the attack was the result of "a tormented and perhaps unbalanced spirit" as the medical reports point out, he suffers from mental disorders.


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