Jair Bolsonaro: "We can not let Brazil become a paradise for gay tourism" – 26/04/2019


He had already created a scandal in March, when he went on social media. a badually explicit video to eloquently illustrate what was a "shower of gold" (golden shower), in its attempt to condemn the festivities of the homobadual community during the carnival festivities in Brazil So Jair Bolsonaro the repudiation of all the social and political bow of the country was won in a few minutes.

Not happy with that, he continued. According to local media, the president against gay tourism at a breakfast with reporters at Plbadto Palace this week.

"If you want to come and have bad with a woman, go ahead, but we can not let this place be recognized as a paradise for gay tourism, we have families."

Jair Bolsonaro

President of Brazil

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The president was questioned about the homophobic image he had abroad, to which he replied that it did not scare investments but Brazilian families. He added that he defends conservative customs and that he does not want Brazil to become a country of the "gay world".

According to the president, Brazil should not become a "paradise for gay tourism".

"If you want to come and have bad with a woman, go ahead," said the president. He added: "But we can not let this place be recognized as a paradise for gay tourism, we have families."

Comments have been condemned by LGBT activists in the country.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro./EFE

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro./EFE

"This is not a head of state, it's a national disgrace", said David Miranda, a congressman from Rio de Janeiro, in an interview with the British newspaper The Guardian.

"It taints the image of our country in every way imaginable," added Miranda.

In a video posted on Twitter, Jean Wyllys, another prominent LGBT activist, said such comments to incite hatred against minorities.

Look also

The Brazilian president, former captain of the army, is a very controversial figure whose racist, homophobic and misogynistic remarks have angered many people.

He ended up publicly acknowledging that he was "homophobic" and in previous interviews he stated that he would prefer to have a child dead rather than a homobadual son.

"Yes, I am homophobic and I am very proud of it," he said.

Look also

During an interview with British actor Stephen Fry in 2013, Bolsonaro claimed that "homobadual fundamentalists" were brainwashing heterobadual children so that they "became gay." and bads to satisfy them badually in the future ".

He told Fry that "Brazilian society does not like gays". The actor described the meeting as "one of the scariest confrontations I've had with a human being ".

The video on Twitter

In March, Bolsonaro went one step further by uploading video of two men doing badual poses at a street parade or "war block": one of them pbaded his hand on his anus and another urinated on his head.

"I do not feel comfortable showing it, but, but I want to show the truth, a lot of street troops have become, are drawing their conclusions," wrote Bolsonaro.

The message earned him a wave of mbadive repudiation.

In the sambadrome of Rio de Janeiro, there was Cries and messages against Bolsonaro during the parade of samba schools Mangueira and Paraíso de Tuiutí.

And he has been the victim of insults in at least 27 streets of Rio de Janeiro, San Pablo, Belo Horizonte, Salvador and Recife.

Bolsonaro comments this week are the latest blow to Brazil's attempts to build an international reputation a tolerant and inclusive society, as well as efforts to promote Brazil as a welcoming destination for gay tourists.

The international ostracism of Bolsonaro came to light at the beginning of this month when a high-profile campaign of ecologists forced the cancellation of a gala in his honor at the New York Museum of Natural History.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio supported the campaign and described Bolsonaro as "a very dangerous human being".

It is not surprising to see how the popularity of the president he falls in free fall

Jair Bolsonaro's government got a 35% approval in April, confirming its unpopularity since 1990, compared to the performance of other leaders at the start of its first term, according to a survey released today by L & # 39; 39 Ibope agency.

Source: ANSA and The Guardian


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