Jair Bolsonaro's campaign slogan will be read in schools – 26/02/2019


Ministers of Education and Human Rights Brazil has approved that schools film their students when they perform the national anthem and they argued that the authorities have read the motto of President Jair Bolsonaro's election campaign.

"Brazilians, we will welcome Brazil from a new era and celebrate a responsible and quality education to develop in our school", says the circular sent from the Minister of Education, Ricardo Vélez Rodriguez.

In the communication to public and private schools, the minister recommends that children be filmed while performing the patriotic song.

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Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

The authorities are also asked to read to students the slogan "Brazil above all, God above all else."

This was the slogan used in the 2018 election campaign by presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro of the Social-Liberal Party.

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The proposals of the Minister and Professor Vélez Rodríguez They caused intense controversy in less than two months of government.

The authorities have been instructed to read the slogan to students

The authorities were asked to read the slogan "Brazil foremost, God foremost" (EFE).

This month, the Federal Supreme Court asked the manager to explain an interview with the magazine. Veja in which he said that Brazilians behave like "cannibals" when traveling abroad and elements of hotels and aircraft are stolen.

The Socialism and Freedom Opposition Party repudiated Minister Vélez Rodríguez for his proposal to film the smallest during the performance of the anthem.

The initiative has been described as "surrealist" by the official MP Janaína Pascoal.

"Brazil above all, God above all else." This was the slogan used in the 2018 election campaign by presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro of the Social Liberal Party (REUTERS).

"Mr. Vélez Rodríguez how are you Colombian Maybe you do not know our Constitution and what you have proposed is unconstitutional. Leave sir. This is a question asked by someone who was born, lives and will die in Brazil, "photographed today the history teacher Marco Antonio Villa.

For her part, the Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights, Damares Alves, has spoken today to defend his colleague from education.

"It is mandatory that the national anthem be played in schools and Let's start now"he stated the pastor and evangelical pastor Alves.

"The government of Bolsonaro is a government of law and we have a law of 2009 that obliges us to execute the anthem Our minister (Vélez Rodríguez) simply respects the law," concluded Alves.

ANSA Agency.



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