Jair Bolsonaro’s eldest son, charged with corruption …


The Brazilian prosecution denounced Senator Flavio Bolsonaro, eldest son of President Jair Bolsonaro, for money laundering, embezzlement, criminal organization and embezzlement, and increased pressure on the president, elected in 2018 with the banner of the fight against corruption.

Justice will now decide to accept the complaint and sit on the defendant’s bench Flavio Bolsonaro, who allegedly led and profited from a corrupt plot during his tenure as regional deputy for Rio de Janeiro, according to the prosecution.

A law graduate, Flavio Bolsonaro, 39, is the eldest of the president’s three sons who are engaged in politics and held a seat in the Rio Legislative Assembly from 2003 until he was elected senator for one term in October 2018. eight years.

The survey, baptized in Brazil as the case of “rachadinhas”, he was discovered before the end of 2018 and dragged himself on for two years until the charges were filed in the Rio Court of Justice.

The Rio public prosecutor’s office reported on the complaint in the early hours of Wednesday, when all media attention was focused on the presidential elections in the United States.

The trial also included Fabrício Queiroz, who was Flavio’s chief of staff and who is currently under house arrest for the case., and 15 other people whose names were withheld because the process is subject to judicial “super secrecy”.

Hire “ghost” officials

According to the investigation, the corrupt network operated at least between 2007 and 2018 by hiring “ghost” officials for Flavio Bolsonaro’s office and the appropriation of a large part of their wages, which was administered by Queiroz and his wife.

A fraction of that money was said to have been transferred to the MP at the time, who apparently laundered it by buying real estate and a chocolate factory he is a partner, according to official information leaked by the local press.

Authorities estimate that the president’s son laundered up to 2.3 million reais ($ 400,000 at the current exchange rate) in these irregular transactions.

The case began precisely after atypical financial movements were detected in the bank accounts of Flavio and those of 74 former collaborators in the Legislative Assembly of Rio.

The senator, who tried to suspend the justice inquiries and succeeded for a time thanks to a Supreme Court ruling, has always denied the charges and maintains that the proceedings against him are an attempt to harm his father.

On the flip side, there are also doubts in the legal world that Bolsonaro’s eldest son had privileged jurisdiction when he first came under investigation.

According to this nuance, the complaint would be analyzed by a judge of first instance or a special court in Rio composed of 25 magistrates, where it is currently pending, the Supreme Court having not yet ruled on the matter.

A case that irritates the president

Prosecutors discovered that Queiroz and his wife had made deposits worth 89,000 reais (now $ 15,500) into the bank account of the first lady, Michelle Bolsonaro, according to local press.

The Head of State first declared that this money, which he estimated at 40,000 reais ($ 7,000), was part of the return of a “personal loan” that he had granted to Queiroz, with which he was bound by a friendship. .

However, as more details of the case came to light, the President was elusive and even lost his papers at media demand on the matter.

On one occasion, he responded to a reporter saying that “he had a terrible homosexual face” and more recently, last August, he threatened another at the newspaper. Or balloon with “punch him in his mouth.”

Likewise, Rio adviser Carlos Bolsonaro, another son of the president, faces an investigation similar to that of his brother, which also involves the appropriation of the salaries of so-called “ghost” officials.

At the same time, former magistrate Sergio Moro, the president’s former justice minister, has gone so far as to publicly accuse the far-right leader of trying to politically interfere with the federal police in investigations involving his relatives.

After the accusation, the federal prosecutor’s office opened an investigation against Bolsonaro, who denies the facts.

Links with paramilitary groups

In Flavio’s case, justice is also targeted by people linked to paramilitary groups, made up of former police officers or corrupt active agents who control certain regions of Rio de Janeiro.

Authorities point out that Queiroz was a friend of Adriano Magalhaes da Nóbrega, a prominent militia leader who was killed by police in February this year.

According to investigators, the capo’s mother, Raimunda Veras Magalhaes, and his ex-wife Danielle Mendonça da Costa were in the pay of Flavio’s office, the newspapers having leaked at the time. Newspaper Yes State of Sao Paulo.


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