Jamaica is running out of marijuana – News


According to experts in the field, this is the worst time in the market for as long as they can remember. Triston Thompson, head of a consultancy firm in the regulated cannabis industry, said AP which is “a cultural disgrace”.

“Last year has been the worst. We’ve never lost so much,” he said, adding, “Sometimes it’s funny that cannabis is scarce in Jamaica.”

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The testimonies of the producers speak of great economic losses. Kernrick Wallace, 29, owns nearly one hectare of land and has admitted losing over $ 18,000 in recent months. He was only able to grow 135 kilograms of grass, instead of an average of 315 to 360 kilograms.

However, despite the shortage of recreational weed, the Jamaica Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) said there was no indication of a shortage affecting the medicinal cannabis industry. However, legal buying costs between 5 and 10 times more than on the street.

Pat Burke, executive director of the Ganja Farmers and Growers Association, said some farmers have stopped growing marijuana, frustrated that they cannot meet the demands of the legal market as police continue to destroy illegal crops.


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