Japan has detected a possible Chinese submarine near its territorial waters


One of the Chinese Navy's nuclear submarines (EFE / Wu Hong / File)
One of the Chinese Navy’s nuclear submarines (EFE / Wu Hong / File)

Japan detected a submarine which would belong to China facing a southern Japanese island, denounced the Japanese Ministry of Defense on Sunday.

Tokyo has increased its precautionary levels in the East China Sea against the increase in Beijing’s military activities in the region and the toughening of the tone of the Xi Jinping regime in its regional aspirations.

The submarine remained submerged, although the ministry said in a statement it believed it belonged to China because a Chinese Luyang III-class destroyer equipped with guided missiles was navigating the area.

The submarine had moved northwest, off the east coast of Amamioshima Island, about 700 kilometers (420 miles) northeast of about disputed islands under Japanese control but also claimed by Beijing in the East China Sea, the ministry noted.

On Sunday morning, the submarine was heading west into the East China Sea.

Neither the submarine nor the ship entered Japanese territorial waters. Under international law, submarines passing offshore in the territorial waters of other countries must surface and display their national flag..

The submarine did not show its flag this time (Archive)
The submarine did not show its flag this time (Archive)

The Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force dispatched three reconnaissance planes and two destroyers to the region to observe and compile timely information to analyze China’s intentions.

A submarine that apparently also belonged to China was detected in the area in June 2020. In support of its maritime activities, China claims to have the right to defend its sovereignty, security and development interests.

Japan, alarmed by the increase in China’s naval activities in the East China and South China Seas, has stepped up its defense in the southwestern regions of the country and in the islands north of the disputed islands..

Tokyo says it opposes unilateral attempts by China to change the status quo in the region and regularly protests against the increased presence of Chinese coastguards near the disputed islands.

Japanese authorities say Chinese ships routinely violate Japanese territorial waters around the islands and sometimes threaten fishing vessels.

(With AP information)


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