Japan: the smallest baby in the world has been released


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The little nation weighs only 268 grams

The little nation weighs only 268 grams

Arimitsu pointed out that, even though it was a case of "high risk", the success shows that "the baby is likely to leave the hospital even though he was born very small".

For her part, the mother of the child, who did not want to make his name public, expressed his "happiness to see him so big" then to "not know if he could survive ".

According to Keio University, it is the smallest child to have survived an untimely birth, a record that up to now bore a baby born in Germany in 2009 with 274 grams of weight.

Premature baby

He was born at 24 weeks of gestation and with only 268 grams of weight

He was born at 24 weeks of gestation and with only 268 grams of weight

In Japan, the country with the lowest infant mortality rate, according to data from the UNICEF, the survival rate of newborns weighing less than one kilogram is 90%, although this proportion is reduced to less than 50% for babies under 300 grams.


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