Japan: They have been ominous at sea and now fear a new catastrophic tsunami – 03/02/2019


Whenever they appear, a natural disaster breaks out, so his arrival is still interpreted as a bad omen. It turns out that recently, on one of the many beaches of Japan, They discovered three dead fish from the oar: when they appear on the surface, earthquakes or tsunamis are triggered.

As a result, many users recorded videos that were later uploaded to YouTube and quickly became viral. More than fear, in Japan, they do not stop to speculate about the harmfulness of meeting these species.

Rowing fish live in the deep sea, so if they appear on the surface, they are considered ominous. (Instagram uozuaquarium_official)

Rowing fish live in the deep sea, so if they appear on the surface, they are considered ominous. (Instagram uozuaquarium_official)

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According to the publications, two rowing fish died dead on the coast of Toyama Bay, while another marine animal of the same species was found in a fishing net in the harbor of 39; ; Imizu.

In Japan There is an infinity of documents on the legend of rowing fish, which are known in the Japanese world as the "messengers of the palace of the god of the sea", since Whenever they appear on the surface, there is an earthquake.

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These fish usually live in very deep waters. They are sea creatures very respected by the Japanese because they Before the devastating Fukushima earthquake and tsunami in northeastern Japan in 2011, some 20 rowing fish were found dead in the region.

According to the research, there is no scientific evidence showing the connection between the observation of the rowing fish and earthquakes, for the Japanese, these species suffer natural disasters before they occur.

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For Kiyoshi Wadatsumi, a Japanese seismologist, rowing fish, as well as other deep-water species, are often very sensitive to irregular movements of the seabed.

One of the curious specimens found in Japan. It is the longest bone fish in the world. (Instagram uozuaquarium_official)

One of the curious specimens found in Japan. It is the longest bone fish in the world. (Instagram uozuaquarium_official)

It should be noted that the rowing fish not only appears on the beaches of Japanbut also in other countries, even in Tacna, Peru, where this creature went aground and sowed fear among thousands of people waiting for a disaster.

L & # 39; rowing It's the longest fish in the world, reaching a length of 11 meters. However, it was detected that there were specimens up to 17 meters. In general, it measures about 3 meters. The maximum weight recorded in a giant fish is 272 kg. Its shape It looks like a ribbon, with a dorsal fin all the way down, starting from between the eyes and the end of the tail. The radii of the fins are small and can have up to 400 or more.

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At the fish's head, the rays elongate to form a distinct red crest. Its pectoral and pelvic fins are almost adjacent. The pectoral fins are fleshy while the pelvic fins are long, of a single line, and that looks like an oar in the form, and with an extension in the tip, hence its name. Her head is small, she has between 40 and 58 gills and has no teeth. It feeds on krill and other small crustaceans, as well as small fish and squid. In addition, its distribution is cosmopolitan in all oceans, with the exception of the polar regions.


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