Jare, the 11-year-old girl who captivated a photographer and conquered the networks – 27/07/2018


Mofe Bamuyiwa is a photographer from Lagos, Nigeria. She focuses her work on weddings and events but on social networks, she shows images of all kinds. He has over 55,000 followers on Instagram and his photos are usually highly viewed and commented but the three photos he published last week transcended in a special way. They included an 11-year-old girl who caused a revolution because of her naturalness.

In general, Bamuyiwa's publications on social media have about two thousand reactions, but Jare's photos have exploded by 20 thousand comments and "I like that". "All I want is that people know the potential of Jare … I want the photo to transmit things to him as an adult," he said. she confided to Yahoo Lifestyle on the face of the girl who does not show it would be serious.

  Jare's photos generated over 20,000 comments and

Jare's photos generated over 20,000 comments and "likes" on Instagram.

"Absolutely wonderful", "looks like a doll", are some of the thousands of comments that caused the images of the little Jare , which was defined as "the most beautiful girl in the world".

"Yes, she is human … and she is also an angel" and "Children are a gift from heaven", were the epigraphs that the photographer badigned to each of his images. In addition, he explains that he tries to reflect the transition between childhood and maturity and that he seeks Jare to convey his adulthood through his eyes.

  The 11-year-old girl was defined as

11 years old was defined as "The most beautiful girl in the world."

"Yes, she is human … and she is also an angel," said the photographer.

Finally, the artist says that the girl is not a professional model, that she has two sisters (one of 7 and another of 10, who also photographed) and that she realized convincing her mother to post her photos on social networks (in the account the_j3_sisters).

With regard to the last of the photos of the girl that she published, Bamuyiwa is limited to saying a blunt sentence: "All I can see, c & # 39; is an empowered woman ".

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