Javier Iguacel reaffirmed the idea of ​​"free market" in the price of naphtha


The Minister of Energy participated in La Noche de Mirtha and refers to the changes in the rates provided by the ministry, after the departure of Juan José Aranguren Source: Archivo

The Minister of l & # 39; Energy,

Javier Iguacel
was in the program

The night of Mirtha
where he was consulted on the changes in rates that the Ministry has forecast after the release of

Juan José Aranguren
. "We are working on the costs," he said. Then, referring to

Mauricio Macri
said, "We have a president who listens."

A few minutes later, Iguacel compared the different rates in the country. As for the average electricity bill of the city of Buenos Aires, which says "500 dollars", he goes on: "In Santa Fe and Cordoba, electricity costs twice as much as electricity. ;right here". The minister said that the price of energy takes into account not only its production, but also its transportation and distribution, which directly influences the price of customs duties.

"This week we were able to go to José C. Peace, where we could inaugurate natural gas for 180,000 people, which should have been done decades ago," he said. illustrated and referred to Kirchner for their responsibility in the energy crisis the country is going through "Today's problems are the product of past decisions."

Then he again referred to cases of corruption in public works when he spoke of projects that have never been executed. "Everything has been proven, in Santa Cruz, they simulated to restore careers, in reports they say that They moved buildings in a day, there is evidence of the crime, "he said, he continued:" The calls for public tenders were armed, it was the politicians and pseudo-entrepreneurs who decided who won what, we opened this game: instead of having two proposed, we had 30 in some calls for tenders and public works In addition, the fiery minister said that in 28 years "there was no progress in the production of gas" and that for ten years the company did not care about the customer. "We want to improve the defense of the consumer," he added. In this line recommended to avoid heating with light because it means "a lot of consumption."

The price of naphtha

Recently, because of complaints from distributors and paper manufacturers about the lack of fuel due to competition in gasoline prices, the minister had badured that there was no reason for the fuel to be rare, but that was due to the fact The companies do not want to compete and want the government to establish the prices. "The increase in naphtha is not exclusive to Argentina, it has occurred all over the world because of the price of oil," said Iguacel

On this subject, Mirtha told him asked: "Oil companies will be able to put the price they want?" The minister replied: "It's like when you were an actress and you had your
stamp . "And he continues:" We live in a free society and the law on hydrocarbons gives this freedom. What I'm trying to do is develop a wonder. Argentina is perhaps one of the ten countries that discuss energy. "

In this line, the new minister said:" Today, in the field of renewable energy, there are 57 projects. We have the blessing that the wind blows here longer, we have more sun in the north and the other is Vaca Muerta. "Finally, he confirmed the news recently announced:" In the summer we can export gas to Chile. "[19659016] Your trip through YPF

Political badyst Julio Bárbaro, who joined the table, discussed the privatization of YPF. "It was made in the 90s with the support of Néstor [Kirchner] and Cristina [Kirchner] the informant was Parrilli," he said. Iguacel, coincided. "Totally," he said. "The gas we imported from Bolivia, YPF, was sold, sold at ten dollars a barrel and bought at twelve dollars a barrel."

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