Jealous man banged doctor who checked his partner for breast pain


Subject assaulted doctor for checking partner

The last Friday, a man assaulted a doctor in a 24-hour pharmacy in Ecatepec, State of Mexico, because he felt jealous that the healthcare professional has made a breast exam to your partner.

According to the reported events, the woman felt pain in the chest, so she decided to go to the doctor. So, after the corresponding examination, where the doctor indicated how to do a breast exam, he left the office and went to the cashier to dispense the prescription, when was intercepted by the subject.

“I go out, I bring the recipe, I even go out first, I leave the recipe to my partner so that she continues to give her attention and when I turn around like I forgot everything because it was already the blow that was when I reacted”, Said the person affected, José Felipe Río Valle, to News.

The doctor also said the man threatened him and told him not to interfere with his romantic partner.

Moments later, in the video, we can see that the woman started to complain to the person accompanying her and explained that the doctor hadn’t done anything to him.

“My boss arrived first and we had to go out and wait for a patrol to come and tell them what happened, ”said the medical professional, after reporting that his colleagues had asked the authorities to come before, but no one arrived at the scene.

They called a patrol but it never arrived (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
They called a patrol but it never arrived (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Gender-based violence manifests itself in many forms, including jealousy, as it denotes a sense of belonging from one person to another, which can result in someone assuming that the other does not. does not have its own decision or individuality, since it belongs to him.

Thus, a few days after major protests took place in the country on March 8, where women demanded an end to feminicides and gender-based violence, a young woman was shot dead by her partner in the office of Mayor Gustavo A. Madero of Mexico.

In this sense, journalist Carlos Jiménez reported last Friday that a man murdered his alleged romantic partner with a gun and subsequently attempted suicide.

The victim was identified as Erika “N”, who died at the hands of the subject named Raymundo “R”, after a allegation of alleged infidelity.

The events reportedly took place this Friday at Calle Norte 72 A and Eje 3 Norte Ángel Albino Corto, in the Bondojito district.

The man allegedly took with him printed sheets of some alleged interactions, where he justified infidelity. After an argument in the public highway, he drew his gun to shoot the woman and himself.

Jealousy is also gender violence (Photo: EFE)
Jealousy is also gender violence (Photo: EFE)

According to the journalist, The victim died at the time, however, Raymundo “N”, when he shot himself in the face, was only injured and was left alive.

The site was monitored by elements of the Citizen’s Security Secretariat (SSC) and paramedics who took the man to a hospital where he is recovering and is being watched by the police.

The place was cordoned off by officials so that the prosecution could arrive to take the corresponding indications for expert work. The capital prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation file for the crime of femicide.

According to the newspaper Excelsior, Before the body was picked up by the authorities, it was left on the ground with a blue sheet.


Two CDMX femicides in the last few hours: Indra appeared dead with signs of sexual abuse and Erika was shot by her partner out of jealousy
They write the names of femicide victims on the notice boards of the “peace wall” that surrounds the national palace.
“We’ll see if you fight for equality between women and men”: Fernández Noroña attacked senator who criticized AMLO’s “wall of peace”

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