Jeanine Áñez and several of her ministers with an order …


Former de facto president of Bolivia Jeanine Áñez reported this Friday, via his Twitter account, that an arrest warrant has been issued against him. The measure also affects the ministers of his administration and senior military commanders.

“The political persecution has started. The MAS (Movement for Socialism, ruling party) has decided to return to the styles of dictatorship. Too bad because Bolivia does not need dictators, it needs freedom and solutions” , wrote the ex-de facto. Twitter president.

The decision to include the former de facto president emerged during the tension around the arrest warrants against high-ranking former military and police commanders. who allegedly participated in the overthrow of former constitutional president Evo Morales Aymá in November 2019.

The orders were issued as part of the cause of the coup in 2019, What reversed then President Evo Morales, which gave way to the de facto period, between November of this year and the same month of 2020.

In the document, it is stated that the former officials are accused of crimes of terrorism, sedition and conspiracy. In addition, arrest warrants were issued due to the risk of flight of those involved, because of their important migratory movements, which “proves how easy it is to leave the country”.

Before reporting on the arrest warrant, Áñez insisted there was no coupRather, it was a “constitutional succession due to electoral fraud”.

Arrests in progress

The measure also affects five members of the cabinet of ministers of Áñez, as well as the former government minister, Arturo López and to former Minister of Defense, Luis Fernando López. The two former officials currently reside in the United States. Another of the accused ministers is Rodrigo Guzmán, former head of the Energy portfolio , What
today he was arrested by the police for their alleged involvement in the cause of “terrorism and sedition”. Guzmán was detained in Trinidad, in the Beni department, in the north-central part of the country, and will be transferred to La Paz, he reported. The duty.

The process started also includes Yerko Nuñez, former Minister of Public Works, Services and Housing, and President. Núñez, who also spoke on Twitter and described the measure as a “hunt for former ministers.” For its part, former head of the Justice portfolio, Álvaro Coimbra, also accused in the case, took to social networks to discuss the arrest warrant against him and the arrest of Guzmán. According to a fragment published by Coimbra, the order affects a total of 10 people.

In addition to former officials of Áñez’s de facto period, the arrest warrants were issued against the admiral Palmiro jarjuri, was navy commander; Jorge Gonzalo Third Party,
former air force commander, and the general Gonzalo mendieta,
former army commander.

Complaints and other orders

From the Plural Justice Commission of the Bolivian Congress, there is a request for prosecution by Jeanine Áñez for crimes against humanity by ordering the crackdown on people who demonstrated against the coup d’etat Evo Morales overthrew in 2019. central arguments of the justice commission is the decree ordering the incorporation of the military in the repression of demonstrations, freeing them from any criminal liability

The departmental prosecutor’s office of La Paz took the measures on the basis of the complaint filed by the former deputy Lidia Patty. Former MAS deputy denounced Luis Fernando Camacho, governor of the province of Santa Cruz and a former presidential candidate in the elections in which Luis Arce won with an overwhelming 55 percent of the vote. The complaint against Camacho concerned the incitement to protests which ended with the resignation of the former constitutional president. The complaint also includes former military or police chiefs, for the events which constituted a coup.

Morales resigned after then chief of the military, Williams Kaliman, Yes who was the general commander of the Bolivian police, Yuri Calderón, they will ask.

Kaliman was the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and the fourth high command of the security forces to receive an arrest warrant for alleged participation in the coup. He is also charged with the apparent crimes of terrorism, sedition and conspiracy with a certain degree of complicity.. Last November 2019, Kaliman, at a press conference, suggested the resignation of then-president Evo Morales.

Previously the arrest has been made of Flavio Arce, also a member of the high command next to Kaliman. Arce was chief of staff of the Bolivian army in November 2019. The prosecution points out that he should have detained Kaliman, the commander of the armed forces who publicly requested the resignation of Morales.

“There is an arrest warrant” and the police “is in charge of the execution”
said lawyer Jorge Nina, who represents former lawmaker Lidia Patty, about the arrest warrant issued by the prosecution against Kaliman.

Nina recalled that the former commander of the armed forces “had met his staff” or military collaborators under behavior that had caused “the resignation of a president and the illegal establishment of a de facto government” in reference to the command assumed by the former interim president of Bolivia Jeanine Añez.

Arce was Chief of Staff of the Bolivian Army in November 2019. Prosecutors say he should have detained Kaliman, the commander of the armed forces who publicly called for Morales’ resignation.


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