Jeanine Añez’s arrest proves Bolivia is subject to a new Castro-Chavez dictatorship


Former President of Bolivia Evo Morales and his successor Luis Arce (JULIETA FERRARIO / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHOTO)
Former President of Bolivia Evo Morales and his successor Luis Arce (JULIETA FERRARIO / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHOTO)

Bolivia is a dictatorship of the Castro-Chavista system under Cuban control, integrated with Venezuela Yes Nicaragua with the active support of the government of Argentina. For those who believed in the successful mistake of disguising a dictatorship as a democracy with the fraudulent elections in Bolivia in October 2020, the simulation ended with the repetition of judicial political persecution to imprison, exile and guarantee impunity. They arrested the former president Jeanine Añez and unleashed persecution against an unknown number of Bolivians, proving that in Bolivia none of the essential elements of democracy are fulfilled.

Human rights and fundamental freedoms are violated in Bolivia of power, with laws and judges at the service of the regime. There is no rule of law. There is institutionalized electoral fraud. There is no separation or independence of public powers. There is no free political organization because it is a country with persecuted and political exiles. Añez’s arrest is the most recent proof of it all, is proof that Bolivia is subject to a new Castro-Chavist dictatorship.

Falsely ascribing horrific crimes to opponents, leaders and citizens that the regime wants to reverse or destroy, and using “infamous judges” to prosecute them, imprison them, force them into exile, liquidate their savings and murder their reputation, is an old and dark dictatorial mechanism that Castro’s alliance with Chávez consistently uses in his 21st century socialism.

They have suffered from it for more than 60 years in Cuba where today the young artists of San Isidro are the most recent victims. They suffer in Venezuela where there are more than 360 tortured political prisoners and their human rights violated by legal proceedings. Suffer it hundreds of prisoners and thousands of persecuted exiles from Nicaragua. Ecuadorians suffered under the regime of Correa with judgments based on the gag law, imprisonments, confiscations, legal proceedings declared violating human rights even by the UN.

Evo Morales has applied this system in Bolivia since the October 2003 coup to attribute their crimes to their victims and to persecute the president with all the international Castro-Chavism Sánchez de Lozada, his cabinet of ministers and the military high command. He used it to supplant the Constitution and the Republic and impose his plurinational status with the forged constitution that rules today, slaughtering and prosecuting its victims, imprisoning the Governor of Pando for more than a decade, persecuting and exiling the governors. from Tarija and Cochabamba. , pursuing the governors of Chuquisaca and Beni and persecuting thousands. During his 14 years of dictatorship, Morales organized an absolutely subordinate and repressive judicial system, which he endowed with “infamous laws” instituting “judicial repression”.

The former interim president of Bolivia Jeanine Áñez watches from the cells of the Special Force Against Crime (Felcc), this Saturday, March 13, 2021, in La Paz (Bolivia).  EFE / Limiter
The former interim president of Bolivia Jeanine Áñez watches from the cells of the Special Force Against Crime (Felcc), this Saturday, March 13, 2021, in La Paz (Bolivia). EFE / Limiter

When Evo Morales resigned in November 2019 and fled Bolivia not to answer for the crimes of fraud, counterfeiting, organized crime, assassinations, extortion, drug trafficking and dozens more that include the corruption of minors and pedophilia, it was activated – under the same constitution of the dictatorship – a interim government responsible for leading Bolivia in a process of “transition” to “free and fair elections” and Senator Jeanine Añez, due to her position in the Senate structure, was interim president.

Evo Morales’ departure from power is the result of his crimes and popular action of “civil resistance”. The presidency of Añez was fortuitous because she was a senator in a pre-retirement situation who had not been part of the popular mobilizations. Evo Morales ordered – with recorded evidence – to repeat the crimes he committed in October 2003 in the regions of Release Yes Got out and he again produced the massacres which he attributed to the intimidating interim government who accepted the term “pacification” to deal with the crime, giving increasing impunity to Morales and his accomplices.

Jeanine Añez’s workshop was marked by the concept that “THE DICTATOR CAME BUT NOT THE DICTATOR”. Inexplicably Añez maintained the validity of the dictatorial constitution by refusing to comply with the obligation to recognize the validity of the Republic by a “presidential decree”. By maintaining the constitutional structure of the dictatorship, he maintained in force the legislative and judicial power of the dictatorship with which he co-governed. He applied all the laws of the dictatorship and with them his government was corrupted in the midst of the pandemic. He did nothing to allow the return of the exiles and restore “due process of the law”. The government which was to be transitional was that of “dictatorial continuity”. Thus, they arrived at the colossal electoral fraud of October 2020 – which Añez congratulated – the return of full power to the dictatorship.

Thus, Evo Morales returned to Bolivia and in a few days his “infamous judges” freed him from all charges, consecrating his impunity. Morales acts as “chief dictator” and the dictatorial system is reinforced in its management of power but despised by the Bolivian people. He must institute the ‘2019 coup’ lie to regain power in person and that is why he broke the agreements and now he persecutes those who allowed him to survive his dictatorship and return with impunity.

* Lawyer and political scientist. Director of the Inter-American Institute for Democracy


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