Jeanine ñez’s daughter accused Evo Morales of having her mother as a “trophy”


Jeanine Áñez in prison (EFE / Stringer / Archive)
Jeanine Áñez in prison (EFE / Stringer / Archive)

The daughter of Jeanine ñez, former interim president of Bolivia, accused his predecessor Evo Morales of to have his mother as a “trophy”, and pleaded with the Bolivian government, related to the former president, “leave revenge“And allow”save his lifeAfter his suicide attempt.

“I am desperate,” she told the news agency. AFP Carolina Ribera Áñez, on the state of health of her mother, in pre-trial detention since March for his alleged participation in a coup against Morales.

She has lost a lot of weight and is so delicate and deteriorated that she does not even have the strength to walk., he denounced during an interview in Washington.

Ribera visited the U.S. capital this week after her mother’s defense demanded precautionary measures to protect their integrity before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).

The organization, an entity of the Organization of American States (OAS), has requested reports from Luis Arce’s government on the situation in Áñez and has not yet commented.

My mother unfortunately on August 21 tried to kill herself», Remembers Ribera. “And when a woman is in the same place where she tried to kill herself and doesn’t leave that environment, she runs the risk of trying again.”.

Ribera said the 54-year-old former president suffered from high blood pressure, chronic gastritis, heart problems, neurological damage and severe depression, and needed continued medical care outside of prison.

“My mother is innocent of anything they accuse her of. And now what I ask and cry, I beg, is for her life to be saved, that she goes to the hospital, that the authorities put aside revenge and give priority to life, “he pleaded in a broken voice.

Former Acting President of Bolivia Jeanine ñez (EFE / Stringer / File)
Former Acting President of Bolivia Jeanine ñez (EFE / Stringer / File)

“There is no justice in Bolivia”

Lawyer and former TV presenter, Áñez was second vice-president of the Senate when she was proclaimed interim president of Bolivia on November 12, 2019. in the midst of social upheaval.

He took office by constitutional succession due to vacancy following the resignation of Morales, whom the opposition accused of rigging the October elections of that year in order to continue his term until 2025. After losing military support, Morales resigned and went into exile first in Mexico then in Argentina.

Last November, ñez transferred power to Arce, the dolphin of leftist Morales, elected in new elections. In March, she was arrested for the alleged crimes of sedition, terrorism and conspiracy.

But her daughter assures us that there are no concrete facts to support these accusations and that his mother’s arrest is illegal.

There is no justice in Bolivia. It’s not like in other countries, that there is an independent investigation, that due process is respected, that human rights are respected.», Denounced Ribera.

“In Bolivia, it is a justice completely manipulated and servile to the government”, he added, pointing the finger at Arce and the Movement for Socialism (MAS) led by Morales.

Evo Morales (REUTERS / Patricia Pinto / Archives)
Evo Morales (REUTERS / Patricia Pinto / Archives)

“An invention” by Morales

Ribera accused Morales, who returned to Bolivia after Arce’s investiture, of using his mother to intimidate any opposition.

What Evo Morales wants to hide is the electoral fraud he committed in 2019 and now he has it as a trophy to send a message of fear to all opposition leaders and all Bolivians who think differently”Affirmed Áñez’s daughter.

He also rejected the genocide charge added in August against Áñez, for which parliament must decide whether or not to conduct a liability case against the former president.

It is totally an invention of Evo Morales and the government of Luis Arce, because my mother took office when there were already clashes, when there were already deaths (…). And the person responsible for wanting to set La Paz and Bolivia on fire was Evo Morales“said Ribera.

Áñez was accused of genocide following the complaint of relatives of the victims of the repression by the security forces on November 15, 2019 in the city of Sacaba, near Cochabamba, and on November 19 in Senkata, a district of ‘El Alto. , neighbor of La Paz.

The Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI), created in December 2019 by an agreement between the Bolivian government and the IACHR, in a recent report, totaled 22 deaths in the two incidents, which it described as “massacres”.

I will not stop fighting for justice to be done and for my mother to be able to defend herself in complete freedom, that’s what correspondsRibera said, before unrolling a Bolivian flag woven by her mother in prison, with the word “justice” embroidered in the center.

(By Alina Dieste – AFP)


Former Bolivian President Jeanine ñez tried to kill herself in prison
Former Bolivian President Jeanine ñez’s lawyer warns her life is in danger

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