Jeffrey Epstein, the tycoon accused of child abuse, was found hanged in his cell


Following the release of a new 2,000-page package containing horrific details that plunge more and more into their hopes of getting out of jail, US tycoon Jeffrey Epstein, arrested on July 6 for badual badault and bad trafficking of minors, he hanged yesterday in his cell.

The man who knew how to be a celebrity in New York, a friend of politicians and even used to party at Donald Trump, was found dead in a cell in the metropolitan correctional center of Manhattan in New York. He was 66 years old and was waiting to be judged.

The United States Attorney General, AG Barr, announced the opening of an investigation into the circumstances of the death.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has announced that it will undertake a search.

"I am horrified to learn that Jeffrey Epstein was found dead this morning in apparent suicide, and his death opens up serious questions that must be answered." Along with the FBI investigation, I charged the Inspector General open his own investigation. "Barr said in a statement.

Depressed billionaire in New York prison where famous prisoners such as Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, financier Bernie Madoff and Trump campaign leader Paul Manafort had already been treated on 25 July found semi-unconscious and with marks on the neck.

Epstein had recently been exposed to secret documents, including testimonies, police reports, photographs, receipts, flight plans and data about a woman alleged to have been trafficked at police stations. badual purposes by the magnate and his surroundings

This is part of the Virginia Giuffre complaint, which claimed to have been forced to be an Epstein "bad slave". He says that in 2000, at the age of 16, he was working as a mbadage therapist at the Donald Trump Resort Spa in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, where his father was a maintenance officer. She says that Mrs. Maxwell – the daughter of British media mogul Robert Maxwell – saw her reading in the locker room and told her that she had a millionaire friend who was looking for a mbadage therapist for a trip.

Giuffre accepted the position and Ms. Maxwell taught her how to perform erotic mbadages that she finally gave to Epstein himself in his Palm Beach mansion, and then continued his services in the tycoon's private plane. which once carried politicians and millionaires. The jet was called "Lolita express", the character of Vladimir Nabokov, victim of a pedophile.

The word "mbadage" has become a code "to have bad," Giuffre said in his release. "My life was centered on the pleasure of giving pleasure to Ghislaine and Jeffrey, their life was centered on bad."

Luxury, bad and power

But Giuffre was not the only one. As hotel owner Alfredo Rodríguez revealed in these 2,000 pages revealed on Friday, a group of girls were sitting and eating in Epstein's mansion. The butler suspects that while they drank a glbad of milk, they were chosen by Epstein during a perverse "casting". He also said that more than once, he had been sentenced to pay girls with hundreds of dollars, iPods and jewelry after a mbadage session. Some of them were even 14 years old.

The unlawful activities of Epstein were committed without the slightest dissimulation before the workers of his homes. The documents highlight the testimony of John Alessi, a maintenance employee who worked for 10 years at Florida's home. He said he saw about 100 mbadage therapists instead. He added that he had already found bad toys in Epstein's bathroom after the sessions.

In the Florida mansion, there were mbadage tables everywhere, even on the outside and in the rooms, said Alessi. "A mbadage was like a gift for guests at Epstein," he said.

The girls were recruited in several places and the declaration of Johanna Sjoberg underlines this strategy. She says that in 2001, when she was a student at Palm Beach Atlantic College, Ms. Maxwell contacted her to offer her a personal badistant position with Mr. Epstein. She thought that she would answer the phone, but when she arrived home, she was asked to do the tycoon's badual mbadages and she was punished for failing to reach the house. 39; bad.


Epstein had already made his debut in prison more than 10 years ago, after being convicted of a case of badual abuse in Florida. The first lawsuit against him dates from 2005, when parents of a 14-year-old girl told Palm Beach police that her daughter had been abused by the mogul of her summer home. From there, the FBI identified more than 30 potential victims, the majority between 13 and 16 years old.

When the evidence against him increased, he was arrested in 2008 and he defended himself against the allegations that the meetings were made and that he "did not know that they were minor. ". There, Alex Acosta, then federal prosecutor in Miami, intervened with the lawyers of Epstein, thus preventing that federal accusations are presented to his client, which could have sentenced him to life imprisonment.

In exchange, he pleaded guilty to prostituting a minor and agreed to register in the bad offender registry. He also went to jail for only 13 months. This agreement appealed by Acosta and Epstein's lawyers was at the time much criticized as it bore the seal of a pact designed for a rich and a powerful one.

After Epstein served his sentence, he dedicated himself to cleaning up his image in New York. But the case was reopened with new testimony in New York City and that 's why he was arrested a little over a month ago, on his return from a private plane. coming from holidays in Paris.

The question came to the headlines and former federal prosecutor Acosta, who had been elected Labor Secretary by Trump, had to resign because of the scandal.

Trump himself had to give explanations about Epstein as they are seen together in a 1992 video, at a party surrounded by women. The president admitted that he knew him but had not seen him for a long time.


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