Jehovah's Witness, he was in a coma for three weeks and explains why he refused to receive a blood transfusion – 22/04/2019


A young Jehovah's Witness remained for more than one month in a state of extreme gravity in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of San Jorge Hospital in Huesca (Spain) . after refusing to receive a blood transfusionhe badures that he refused this treatment to be in accord with his faith. The young woman who during her hospitalization three weeks in the induced coma, was released last week.

In an open letter to the media, Liliana, 20, said she was surprised by the spread of her case: "After all, I was not the first Jehovah's Witness to refuse a transfusion and the result was positive", says -he.

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After pointing out that, in the case of a transfusion, nor was there any "absolute guarantee" of improvement With respect to severe peritonitis, he states that he has limited himself to using his right to refuse treatment, under the Patient Independence Act.

"I did use of my right – said the young woman – like many others would do by refusing a chemotherapy treatment, amputating a limb, etc., without doing so because of religious beliefs.

"I understand that not everyone agrees with these beliefs and that's something I respect, just as I've asked that my beliefs be respected," says the young Jehovah's Witness, who expresses his desire to continue his life with total normality refuse new information in press about your situation.

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In her letter, the young person is grateful for the work of the doctors who helped her, for her efforts to improve it. as well as respect his decision not to accept transfusionsaccording to what was established by the judge of Huesca who was informed of the case, to whom he also thanks his support.

Liliana entered the intensive care unit and suffered a coma caused due to the severity of her condition, a peritonitis resulting from an operation of appendicitis performed on a medical prescription. Before being submitted to the intervention, the young woman, Jaca's neighbor, left writing a vital testament in which she expressly forbade receiving a blood transfusion.


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