JEP offers more details on false positives report, denies he seeks to disqualify Uribe


Eduardo Cifuentes, president of the JEP, spoke of the president's alleged interference in the transitional court.  Photo: Colprensa
Eduardo Cifuentes, president of the JEP, spoke of the president’s alleged interference in the transitional court. Photo: Colprensa

The dispute between the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) and Álvaro Uribe Vélez continues, to whom on February 18 was raised by a new report from the entity, according to which the victims of extrajudicial executions, or false positives, were 6,402, almost 4,200 more than those initially reported for the period 2002-2008 by the Attorney General’s office.

Even if for the former Colombian president it is a “new outrage” which seeks to “discredit” him, the president of the said corporation, Eduardo Cifuentes, replied this Friday, February 19 that it is not about that ” .certainly not. This is about the meticulous review, checking and weighting the exam room did and the stats speak for themselves, it is a period which shows in any case an unusual rise of this systematic crime ”.

It should be recalled that the former senator also issued a statement with 15 points rejecting the report and justifying that “the government has just started, in 2003, when democratic security began to give peace to Colombians, The NGOs, contrary to my ideas, accused the Armed Forces (Armed Forces) of murdering peasants instead of killing criminals. I have publicly addressed the matter and the body of someone killed in action has been ordered to remain in place, not to be moved by the armed forces and to await the arrival of the representative of the Commission of technical investigation (CTI) of the prosecution.

Likewise, he argued that retired “27 army officers at the end of 2008, following a ministry report which presented evidence of criminal behavior in one case and in the others, there is a lack of rigor in the operational protocols which could facilitate criminal acts ”. And he even stressed that “there is not a single soldier who can say that he received a bad example or an undue insinuation from me”.

All this, despite the fact that the JEP never mentions it in the report, although, yes, talks about a period when Uribe was President of the Republic and therefore, the commander-in-chief of the military forces.

Given the controversy, Cifuentes offered Noticias Caracol more details on the report explaining the false positives in Colombia, noting that, The published figures come from seven national and international databases, including two from the prosecution, such as the SPOA; one from the Center for Historical Memory, voluntary versions and testimonies from those involved and even sources such as NGOs in the United States and Europe.

“There was not a single database that was not reviewed and audited, both public and private, and I would like to point out that victims and victims’ organizations also participate in the JEP and we do not have to stigmatize any database of victims, ”explained the president of the said company.

In addition, the magistrate told the TV news that It was decided to investigate between the years 2002 and 2008, as this is the period during which a considerable growth is detected in the frequency curve with which the crime was committed in the country.. Likewise, he stressed that “from the point of view of international law, it is one of the darkest chapters in the history of the armed conflict, which must be recognized by Colombia in terms of truth and responsibility” .

Finally, Cifuentes pointed out that due to false positives, there is only, so far, 1,470 convictions, which “are few in relation to the scale of these systematic crimes like those who were present. On the other hand, there is impunity, there is an underreported figure, so the first thing the Special Court for Peace has done responsibly and seriously is to determine what is the criminal universe in with respect to which the patterns of commission of these crimes must be identified and also determine who is responsible for these patterns ”.

Also read: “We will not let ourselves be defeated by other poisonous snakes who want to attack us”: provocative message from the Colombian National Army

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