Jerónimo Batista Bucher, of the National University of San Martín, distinguished by Harvard


April 29, 2019
– 13:04

The young man is studying at the public university and will now be recognized at Harvard by his scientific studies.

Harvard and the Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) dStake the student from the University of San Martin, Jerónimo Batista Bucher cas one of Global Future's 100 leaders for their work on plastic pollution.

The young man from Vicente López is currently attending the country's public university and excels at the National University of San Martin. This is not the first time it has attracted media attention, as it was selected in 2017 to participate in the G20 Youth World Summit in Germany.


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Batista Bucher is currently in his fourth year of career in biotechnology and electronics at the University of San Martín. Now, in June, he will travel to the United States to receive the distinction and participate in the debates.

The project in which he works is called Sorui and consists of a machine in which disposable cups can be made from seaweed. What is amazing is that when you throw the glbad, it disappears in a week and does not contaminate.

"I started looking for an alternative that did not have such a negative impact. I have therefore developed a material essentially based on seaweed extract and I have studied how to automate the production of glbades, "said the scientist of the public university Talk with Infobae.

After development, Bucher will travel to Harvard in mid-June to finish being decorated as one of the leaders of the future.


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