Jesús Santrich, historical leader of the FARC, has died | …


The death of Jesús Santrich (Photo) this was confirmed in a statement from the Second Marquetalia, one of the FARC dissidents. “We inform Colombia and the world with pain in our hearts, the sad news of the death of Commander Jesús Santrich, member of the FARC-EP leadership, Segunda Marquetalia, in an ambush executed by commandos of the Colombian army May 17, ”the group reported via its website.

The news of Santrich’s death transcended yesterday when Colombian Defense Minister Diego Molano reported that the former FARC commander died in a clash with guerrilla groups. “Intelligence reports indicate that in alleged clashes yesterday in Venezuela, the pseudonym ‘Santrich’ and other criminals were killed. Information in verification, ”wrote Molano on his Twitter account.

Confirmation by the Second Marquetalia A statement arrived Tuesday evening in which they recount what happened in the border region. “This happened in the Serranía del Perijá, a binational border area, between El Chalet and the village of Los Laureles, in Venezuelan territory. So far, Colombian commandos have entered by direct order of President Iván Duque. The truck in which the commander was traveling was attacked by rifle fire and grenade explosions. After the crime, the murderers cut off her little finger on her left hand. A few minutes later, near the scene, the commandos were quickly extracted in a yellow helicopter towards Colombia ”.

“The news of Santrich’s death will not save the arrogant tyrant Iván Duque from unleashed popular anger. To the Colombian people mobilized for 20 days to permanently protest against the bad government, we ask, in homage to Santrich, not to slacken in his just fight and to throw himself with all his might to defeat this damn regime that is pressing us in. soul, ”the declaration ends.

Known as Jesus Santrich He was the head of the FARC and was also one of the drafters of the peace agreement. He was chosen to occupy one of the 10 seats in the now Commons party. In June 2019, he sat in Congress for a few weeks and then on June 30 when he was in a territorial area of ​​training and reincorporation (ETCR), in the rural area of ​​La Paz, in the department of César, Santrich escaped. When he appeared, he did so to announce that he would go into hiding after violations of the peace agreement.


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