JetSmart arrives in cabotage with flights at $ 1 taxes included


It has launched services between El Palomar and Mendoza, Cordoba, Bariloche and Iguazú, among other destinations. Offers 5,000 tickets in a promotion that expires on Friday

The scene of cabotage flights is overheated.

JetSmart – headquartered in Chile but under the control of US group Indigo Partners – announces its start in services in Argentina, announced the launch of its first 12 national roads at an unprecedented price: 1 peso per section, taxes included.

From April onwards, El Palomar will be served by Buenos Aires-Mendoza, Buenos Aires-Córdoba, Buenos Aires-Neuquén, Buenos Aires-Bariloche, Buenos Aires-Iguazú, Buenos Aires-Salta and Buenos Aires-Tucumán routes.

In addition, it will propose, among others, the routes Córdoba-Salta, Córdoba-Neuquén and Mendoza-Neuquén.

As indicated by JetSmart to iProfessionnel, promotion of 1 pesos tickets per section will include 5,000 tickets which will be on sale on the company's website from this Tuesday and valid until Friday, November 15th. Meanwhile, the company will also promote on its website a series of discounts of up to 50 percent for some sections.

Apart from this launch, the company will start marketing, also from this Tuesday, although it is already without time limit, its cabotage services at 299 pesos per section taxes included.

"Today, everyone can buy their ticket for one of the first 12 routes, out of the 24 sections making up this route, 10 of them being direct flights between different regions allowing pbadengers to get to the airport. "Save time and money compared to other proposals including matches", in this regard, Stuart Ortiz, CEO of JetSmart, explained.

The company in question, qualified for local routes after receiving its certificate of operation of aeronautical services (CESA), already has a local management team, pilots and a crew to be able to start its domestic operations as of the month of April mentioned above.

"Services (cabotage) will start with 3 planes and then add another 2", forecast Ortiz, at a press conference.

The proposal for flights within Argentina represents another step in the airline's local strategy, which already markets routes to Santiago de Chile from El Palomar, Córdoba and Mendoza.

Founded in July 2016 in Santiago, Chile, under the control of Indigo Partners hope to arrive in December 2019 with a fleet of 17 new aircraft operating in these latitudes. For this, JetSmart has signed a multi-million dollar agreement with Airbus on the latest A320 and A321 models.

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