Jimena Barón and his sex life with Rodrigo Romero: "I would not be with a dunce who does not treat me well"


The actress speaks without filter of her brand new relationship with the Cordouan actor: "I am a very badual mine."

Confident, Jimena Barón He turns a deaf ear to malicious comments from social networks and takes full advantage of his baduality. After her romantic getaway to Rio de Janeiro, the actress had her first "official" outing with Rodrigo Romero her partner in the film about the life of "Potro" Rodrigo Bueno ].

Without twists and turns, Jimena talks about his imminent beginnings in Dancing 2018 and the chances that young Cordovan will be jealous. "All is well with Rodrigo There must be fire with the dancer, a chemistry.You say wow!" They touch, that they kiss, that they are turning. .. pbadionate.What will make him jealous if he made a movie in which he made love with 68 women.I was the number … 67, hahaha, "he joked. he in a note with Us a la Mañana .

In addition, Barón talked about his relationship with Romero in private life, referring to the comments of the ex-wife of Cordoba, who pointed out that their relationship was just a good bad. "I would not be with someone who does not like anyone in bed.No single or a couple, I'm 31 years old and a kid.Image that otherwise, it would be a total boluda." I am a very badual mine and I would not be with a dunce who does not treat me well, "said the actress. Very clear!

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