Jimena Barón's word after being confirmed for the dancer: "Now I'm doing it for free and it's awesome"


The singer spoke with The Previa del Show of what will be his return to the track together Matías Napp and Mauro Caiazza .

Every time less time is needed for Marcelo Tinelli to return with his clbadic program to delight the audience with incredible choreography and the stamp that all the famous have summoned for this edition.

Amid the confirmation and speculation about who will be on the track, in The Salon Preview (Monday to Friday from 20 to 21 for City Magazine ) They published the name of an artist who will return with everything on the program: Jimena Barón .

"I am happy, I have had a lot of time to think about it a lot because it is an important decision … will stop doing something out of fear, that 's why I' m afraid. I finally decided to accept and enjoy the rehearsals and the bestial team that touched me. "

The singer talked about her participation in the cycle and confirmed to the team who will accompany him to the contest: " I am happy, I have long pondered this because it is an important decision The truth is that I have been calling I'm in 2011 and I've always worked hard as an actress, which was very complicated coordinating times, "he said.

" It makes me crazy to dance, the subject is later the craziness of the schedules. "At first, when they called me I said no, a little shit or dizziness, and the truth was that afterwards I really wanted to dance That gift In a year where I'm a singer and the shows are like a much more manageable workload And, suddenly, I saw that as a possibility. I was a little scared … I'm a little scared "

" Now I'm doing it for free, it's great, it gets me to at some point, you have to be in a place like this, and I am amused. "

On the other hand, he acknowledged that all the feelings that came to him when deciding be one of the show's figures, did not interfere in his final decision: " I'm not a mine that will stop doing something by fear that's why I finally decided to accept and enjoy the rehearsals and the bestial team that affected me, "he said, before revealing that his choreographer will be (excoach of Federico Bal and Laurita Fernández ) and his dancer, Mauro Caiazza .

Finally, Paula Varela recalled that Jimena's pbadage in ShowMatch had been when he was in a partnership with Daniel Osvaldo with whom he had his son Morrison of 4, and with whom he had spoken of jealousy for his participation: "Now I am doing it for free He catches me at some point, that it must be for the purpose of & # 39; 39 to be in a place like this, and I am amused The decisions of my life are simpler, which makes me want to do what I do, period, "Baron closed, excited for what will happen.

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