Joe Biden announced he bought 200 million more covid-19 vaccines


Joe biden on Tuesday announced a series of measures to improve the procurement and distribution of coronavirus vaccines, including the purchase of 200 million additional doses and an increase in shipments to states next week.

With these extra doses, Biden said that there will be enough to vaccinate 300 million Americans, roughly the population of the United States, during the late summer of the Northern Hemisphere, between June and September 2021.

During an intervention in the White House, the new Democratic president described his administration’s efforts as a “war effort” and once again criticized former President Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic.

“Now we have a national strategy to defeat covid-19. It is complete. It is based on science, not politics. It’s based on truth, not denial, and it’s detailed, ”he added.

Half of the extra doses will be purchased in our own laboratory Pfizer and the remaining 100 million at the also local Moderna, the two companies which have so far been approved by health authorities, an official revealed on condition of anonymity.

“With these extra doses, the United States will have enough vaccine for 300 million Americans at the end of the (boreal) summer, “practically the entire population of the country”, he added.

I point out that “It went from 8.6 million doses per week to 10 million and we can’t wait to get everyone vaccinated as soon as possible. “

But he was cautious noting that “it will take a few months before we can tell Americans things are on the right track.”



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