Joe Biden announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States with darts against Donald Trump


Former US Vice President Joe Biden announced that he would run for the Democratic primary in the 2020 presidential election and would attempt to overthrow Republican Donald Trump of the White House. Now you have to compete with almost 20 candidates who are officially in the running to take the nomination.

"The fundamental values ​​of this nation … our position in the world … our democracy … all that America has done is at stake, that is why today I am 39, announcing my candidacy for the presidency of the United States, "he wrote. Biden on Twitter.

The fundamental values ​​of this nation … our position in the world … our very democracy … everything that has made America – America – is at stake. That's why today I announce my candidacy for the presidency of the United States. # Joe2020

– Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) April 25, 2019

The tweet of which he was vice president during Barack Obama's two terms, between 2009 and 2017, is accompanied by a video titled: "Joe Biden at the Chair: The United States is an Idea".

In the video, Biden directed directly to President Trump and states that Americans are free "a battle for the soul of this nation".

"I think history will remember the four years of this president and all that he stands for as aberrant moment in time, "said Biden.

"But if we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally change the character of this nation, who we are, and I can not stay out of the way and see how it goes" , did he declare.

In the video, Biden returns to Deadly clash between white supremacists and counter-protesters It's produced during a first walk in 2017 in the city of Charlottesville, Virginia.

After the episode, in which a white supremacist killed one person and wounded 40 others When he crushed a crowd with his car, Trump accused "both parties" in what was interpreted as a refusal to condemn racism.

"At that time, I knew that the threat to this nation was different from all the others I had seen in our lives," Biden said.

The rivalry between the two is growing stronger and one month ago, on March 18, Trump said Biden had a "low intellectual level".

Biden with Barack Obama at the White House in 2016. He was vice president during the two terms of the Democratic Party. Photo: EFE.
Biden with Barack Obama at the White House in 2016. He was vice president during the two terms of the Democratic Party. Photo: EFE.

With his 76 years, a long career as a senator and eight years as vice president, Biden is becoming the most experienced and experienced candidate. But the cumbersome number of opponents – a recordd in the history of the United Statesparty-implies that Biden is facing a field with a unprecedented diversity in this third attempt to be President of the United States, after his two unsuccessful careers in 1988 and 2008.

According to the RealClearPolitics survey, Biden ranks first favorite to win the nomination of his party with 29.3%, followed by Bernie Sanders, the presidential candidate senator in 2016, who enjoys a 23% support.

In the race, Senator Kamala Harris escorted her to third place with 8.3%, followed by Buttigieg with 7.5%, Progressive Senator Elizabeth Warren with 6.5% and former Texas Beto Congressman O & # 39; Rourke with 6.3%.

His pre-candidacy has already gone through a complicated time: four women accused him of having touched them inappropriately and threatened one of Biden's greatest badets: his affable and close image.

Joe Biden at a political event in Delaware in 2019. Photo: AFP.
Joe Biden at a political event in Delaware in 2019. Photo: AFP.

The episode does not seem to affect him too much in the polls, but forces him to promise that he will now take into account the "personal space" of the people.

"I've always tried to establish a human connection (with people), because I think it's my responsibility, I hold my hands, I squeeze people in my arms, j & rsquo; Grab the men and women by the shoulders and I tell them, "You can have this. Biden said in a video this month.In this regard, he said that recently, "social norms began to changethey have evolved and the barriers to protect personal space have been changed. "

Its first official union-themed campaign event will take place next Monday in Pittsburgh, a Pennsylvania city with a Democratic majority, but in the suburbs, many left Biden's party to join Trump in 2016.

He will then continue with a course in which he will travel to the states of Iowa, South Carolina and New Hampshire, the first to vote, announced CNN.


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