Joe Biden announced the export of 20 million doses of Moderna and Pfizer vaccines


United States President Joe Biden announced on Monday that he would send 20 million vaccines against the coronavirus to cover part of the international demand and for the first time it will be brands approved in the United States such as Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson.

The American is thus seeking to place his country as a benchmark for the distribution of vaccines, a space occupied today mainly by Russia and China.

So far, the United States government has shipped approximately 5 million doses of AstraZeneca to Mexico and Canada. At the end of April, the White House announced that it would release 60 million AstraZeneca in other countries when they were available, that is to say when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved this vaccine, which has not yet received the green light. in the USA. Add to that the 20 million already-licensed brands that Biden announced today that will be available at the end of June.

It is not yet clear how or to which countries these vaccines will be reallocated. But Argentina, where the number of infections is increasing and vaccinations are rare, could be the recipient of part of this new flow of doses. The Government has taken measures in Washington so that our country is taken into account in the face of any initiative and awaits any news likely to improve the situation.

Biden made the presentation at the White House, where he spoke about progress in the fight against covid in the United States. He noted that a new milestone had been taken, namely that coronavirus infections and deaths had declined in all 50 states nationwide. He said nearly 60% of the population had already received at least one dose of the vaccine and he still expected to reach the target of 70% by July 4.

And in this context, he announced that they were also willing to increase shipments of vaccines abroad. “We are taking another step to help the world”, said Biden,

He noted that at the end of June will add 20 million doses of Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, which will add 80 million doses overseasr, and pointed out that this was the largest amount donated by any country, including Russia and China.

“These are more vaccines than any country has shared to date. Five more times. That’s more than Russia and China, which donated 15 million doses, ”Biden said.

And, on a show where he doesn’t want to be left behind in “vaccine diplomacy,” he added: “There is a lot of talk about the influence of China and Russia with vaccines. We want to lead the world with our values”, Biden said.

He also pointed out that the United States “He will not ask for favors in exchange for vaccines.” And that, to keep the distribution “fair,” Biden said they would benefit from help from the Covax Mechanism, a global initiative led by the World Health Organization. He did not specifically say whether they will give it to them for distribution or whether they will ask him for scientific advice on which countries need the vaccines most.

Biden had promised that the United States would become an “arsenal” for vaccine supply. But so far, the space has been occupied by China and Russia, as the Democratic government has focused on vaccinating Americans and hesitant to send overseas for fear of another domestic peak.

In Argentina, doses mainly of Russian and Chinese origin are applied, so it is expected that some of the Americans proposed by Biden will arrive in our country, in the name of “vaccine diplomacy”.

Biden has faced strong pressure to drop some of the vaccines the United States has collected and he doesn’t use, while the vaccination campaign in this country is progressing at an accelerated pace and nearly 40% of the population has received both doses.

Fully vaccinated Americans are now allowed to live practically normal, without mask or respect for social distance even in closed places.

This new initiative comes after the United States began to help india, which is facing a sharp increase in cases. But this aid was not about the provision of vaccines but of certain products to manufacture doses, and the provision of equipment, tests, oxygen and other materials.

The State Department has acknowledged that it receives requests for vaccines from all over the world.  Photo: dpa

The State Department has acknowledged that it receives requests for vaccines from all over the world. Photo: dpa

Orders from all over the world

State Department admitted receiving nominations From all over the world, including Argentina. So far, beyond donations to Mexico and Canada, the United States is providing vaccines to the Covax international fund.

Monday’s announcement would release more doses of approved vaccines, at a time when there are severe peaks in the pandemic in several countries.

A few days ago, Biden backed the World Trade Organization’s demand for the suspension of vaccine patents, an initiative promoted by India and South Africa, as well as Argentina. This proposal, which has not been approved by Germany and other European countries, may take time to be adopted.

Washington, correspondent

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