Joe Biden announced the purchase of 200 million vaccines and the United States will be able to vaccinate almost all of its population in July


Joe biden affirmed this Thursday that United States will have enough doses to vaccinate almost all of its population in July, after announcing new contracts with Pfizer and Moderna.

“We are on the verge of having enough supply to 300 million Americans at the end of July, ”the president announced during a visit to the country’s National Institutes of Health.

“This may not seem like the urgent progress we need, but let’s be clear: When I took office (January 20), we didn’t have a plan,” Biden noted.

The president announced that his government had signed contracts on Thursday for which the United States would receive 200 million additional doses of vaccine against the coronavirus: 100 million sera produced by Moderna, and an additional 100 million from Pfizer.

United States, home to more than 330 million people, has administered 46.4 million units of vaccine so far licensed in the country, which require two doses per person to be effective, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

At least 33.7 million people have already received one of the doses, which is equivalent to 10% of the country’s population, the CDC reported on Wednesday.

Biden announced 100 million new doses of Pfizer and as many of Moderna. (Photo: Bloomberg)

Biden vowed upon coming to power that he would ensure that 100 million people receive at least the first dose of the vaccine during his first 100 days in the White House, on April 29, then said he would even like to reach 150 million inoculations.

The president ordered the vaccination plan to be speeded up to achieve this goal, in addition to getting more health professionals to administer the vaccines and allowing facilities to do so.

“In my three weeks in office, we have increased the supply of weekly vaccine deliveries to states by almost 30%. more people will be vaccinated in February than under the previous government “, Biden pointed out in a clear allusion to Donald Trump.

He also assured that his government had made Pfizer and Moderna agree to deliver a total of 100 million doses by the end of May which they would in principle not distribute until the end of June. , that is to say a month later.

Vaccination in America: ‘Trump didn’t buy enough vaccines,’ Biden said

The main government epidemiologist and adviser to Biden, Anthony Fauci, assured on Thursday that by April, the country will already be in “Open season” vaccination, in the sense that “everyone” can be vaccinated, without distinction of priorities by groups at risk.

Herd immunity could be achieved in the country by “the end of summer,” Fauci said in an interview with NBC’s Today television show.

Biden lamented that January was “the deadliest” since the start of the pandemic in the United States and took the opportunity to criticize Trump again. “He didn’t do his job,” he said.

“He didn’t buy enough vaccines. He did not mobilize enough people to administer the doses. He did not create any federal vaccination centers “, he asked.

The United States is the country in the world most affected by the pandemic, with more than 27 million cases and more than 474,000 deaths, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.


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