Joe Biden argued that electoral barriers are the biggest test of democracy in the United States since the Civil War | Powerful speech in defense of the Philadelphia franchise


President Joe Biden spoke from Philadelphia on Tuesday, the birthplace of the United States Constitution, to warn that Republican maneuvers to restrict the vote generate “the most important test for our democracy since the Civil War”. Biden gave an impassioned speech denouncing attempts by the Republican opposition to pass laws in several states that could, in practice, restrict access to the ballot boxes for African American and Hispanic minorities. In addition, the president took the opportunity to reject the “big lie” of widespread fraud in the 2020 presidential elections, broadcast by Donald Trump and his supporters.

“Some things in America should be simple and straightforward.”Biden said in his speech at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. “Perhaps the most important of these things, the most basic of these things, it is the right to vote, the right to vote freely, the right to vote fairly, the right to have one’s vote count ”, added the Democratic president.

“Thugs and fear merchants”

“Make no mistake, thugs and fear merchants, the peddlers of lies threaten the very foundations of our country “said an energetic Biden who added that “Denying the right to vote is a form of repression and silencing” which is the biggest “test” for American democracy since the Civil War (1861-1865).

Biden reinforced the idea that the series of Republican efforts to restrict access to the vote were inspired by “Ia lie about voter fraud “in the 2020 presidential elections. Today, and despite numerous investigations and testimony to the contrary, former President Donald Trump continues to denounce fraud in the state of Georgia.

The big lie

The US president argued that these elections were “the most scrutinized in history.”, with multiple accounts confirming his victories in crucial states. “The big lie is just that: a big lie”Biden raised. This part of his speech was one of the most celebrated by those in Philadelphia.

The coronavirus pandemic in the middle of the election year prompted many states to expand early voting and postal voting, making it easier to obtain and deliver ballots. While it has benefited both sides, some Republicans, including Trump, believe it hurt them, and they have been pushing for tighter restrictions on how, when and where to vote.

Republicans understand that reducing postal voting, shortening voting hours and imposing heavy fines on election officials who make mistakes would ensure the transparency of the elections. At the other end, Democrats note incidence of fraud is already extremely low today and the measures will primarily affect black voters or other minorities They tend to vote Democrats.

To avoid these risks, Biden promised to sign the People’s Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Promotion Act “as soon as they get to my office.”. However, Senate Democrats are not reaching the quorum necessary to pass these two bills that seek to protect the right to vote.


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