Joe Biden assured that the United States is ready to help Haiti and did not rule out sending troops


United States President Joe Biden (Photo: EFE / Alex Edelman)
United States President Joe Biden (Photo: EFE / Alex Edelman)

Joe Biden assured that the United States is “ready” to help Haiti, given the crisis that is experiencing the assassination of its president, Jovenel Moise, but he did not want to say whether he would be ready to send troops to the country.

“The Haitian people deserve peace and security and their leaders must work together for the good of the country”the US president said in a statement ahead of his arms control meeting.

Added that The United States is “ready” to “continue to provide assistance” to Haiti. “I will have more (to tell you) as we go along,” he said, addressing the media, to which he did not respond when asked for the possibility of ‘send troops.

“We will have more to say about Cuba and Haiti. Stay tuned “, advancement.

The United States government on Monday warned against the “lack of clarity” on the political future of Haiti after the assassination of Moise and on who will rule this future.

This is what the spokesperson for the White House pointed out, Jen psaki, who, in response to press inquiries, acknowledged that The United States does not exclude sending troops to Haiti but stressed that “it is not a commitment for the moment”.

White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki (Photo: EFE / EPA / Alex Edelman)
White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki (Photo: EFE / EPA / Alex Edelman)

Psaki made the observations when asked at the daily press conference about a U.S. delegation’s visit to the country and the results which Biden reported this morning.

Like the president, Biden’s spokeswoman did not rule out the United States eventually sending troops to the country, but she pointed out that “At this time, the United States is not committing to any kind of presence on the ground.”

Anyway, he insisted that the problem now is that “lack of clarity” on who will rule the country and stressed that we must prepare the way for there to be “safe” elections and for Haitians to be able to decide.

The United States delegation that visited Haiti on Sunday met the three politicians who are vying for power in the country after the murder of Moise, to those who called for “an open and constructive dialogue” to achieve “free and fair elections”the White House reported this morning.

Later at the press conference, Psaki pointed out that the main conclusion drawn by the delegation was the lack of clarityhence the call to ask current leaders to work together.

He added that talks with Haiti on how the United States can help have just started and will continue, because at this time there is a high level of “uncertainty” about the country and the actions it will take.

Psaki also assured that the safety of the Haitian people is a matter of concern for President Biden, and He also recalled the aid that the United States had already given to the country, before the assassination of Moise, with economic allowances or assistance in training the police.

The American delegation that visited Haiti this weekend was made up of by representatives of the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, the State Department and the White House National Security Council, indicated this morning Emily horne, spokesperson for the latter body in a press release.

US officials jointly met with the Acting Prime Minister, Claude joseph, and the prime minister designate, Ariel henri, as well as with the President of the Senate, Joseph Lambert.

He added that the envoys They “examined the security of vital infrastructure” and met with the police in charge of the investigation into the murder of Moise, perpetrated early Wednesday morning at his home in Port-au-Prince.

So far, 17 suspects have been arrested and at least three killed, after the assassination of the President of Haiti, Jovenel Moise (Colprensa Externos)
So far, 17 suspects have been arrested and at least three killed, after the assassination of the President of Haiti, Jovenel Moise (Colprensa Externos)

The assassination of Moise has further aggravated the serious crisis in this country of 11 million inhabitants, whose leadership is now contested by Joseph, Henry and Lambert. According to the Haitian authorities, a 28-man commando group, including 26 Colombians and two Americans, killed the president at his home, also injuring his wife.

So far, 17 suspects have been arrested and at least three killed. But no motive is publicly known and questions remain as to who could have ordered the murder.

(With information from EFE and AFP)

Read on:

The doubts about the motive and what the alleged mastermind of the assassination of the President of Haiti has promised the hired killers
Who is Christian Emmanuel Sanon, the Miami resident accused of recruiting the murderers of Jovenel Moise

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