Joe Biden at UN: Says Palestinian State “Best Way” to Resolve Conflict with Israel | His first speech to the General Assembly


During his first address to the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, the President of the United States, Joe Biden, advocates “two-state solution” between Israel and Palestine and assured that White House not seeking “new cold war” in trade terms with China.

“I am here to reaffirm my government’s commitment to a more peaceful and prosperous future.”, defined the North American president during the inauguration of the 76th assembly of the international organization, which is based in New York.

“We are not looking for a new cold war”

In front of world leaders, the head of the White House made a defending multilateralism and strengthening organizations and he synthesized some of the measures of his administration that reversed the position that the international power had taken under the administration of Donald Trump, such as his departure from the Paris Agreement and the UN Human Rights Committee .

Beyond general references, one of the most important definitions raised by the president concerned his relationship with China, the Asian giant with whom Washington is waging an open trade war. “We are not looking for a new cold war or a world divided into rigid blocks”he said about it, although he tried not to mention China.

The United States is ready to work with any nation that compromises and seeks a peaceful solution. to share the challenges, even if we have intense disagreements in other areas, ”he added.

The two-state solution

He also touched on another burning issue for the United States, the conflict between Israel and Palestine. He said that “The United States’ commitment to Israel’s security is unquestionable” but he spoke in favor of a “two-state solution”.

“This is the best way to secure Israel’s future as a democratic Jewish state, living in peace alongside a viable, sovereign and democratic Palestinian state.”He added, although he acknowledged that “at the moment we are very far from that goal”.

Afghanistan, from the side

Likewise, he made a brief reference to the role the United States will play after its defeated exit from Afghanistan, after 20 years of occupation. Washington “opens a new era of diplomacy,” he said. However, he indicated that he remained ready to use force “if necessary”, despite the fact that military might should be a “tool of last resort”.

Commitments against the pandemic

Biden also promised his country to “”work to save lives against Covid-19, face the threat of the environmental challenge and defend the dignity of humanity and the rights that have been forged in this institution ”.

He announced that he would announce in the coming days “more commitments” to fight the pandemic and promised that he would take responsibility for “Specific objectives in three key issues: saving lives now, vaccinating the world and building back better”.

On the other hand, the US president announced that your country will return “fully” to the Iran nuclear deal if Tehran does the same. To do this, Washington is “working” with China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and Germany to “diplomatically engage Iran and seek a return” to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPoA), which the United States gave up in 2018. “We are ready to fully comply again if Iran does the same,” he insisted.


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