Joe Biden attacks networks for fake news | North American President Says Pandemic Misinformation “Kills People”


Social media platforms spreading disinformation about pandemic and vaccines “are killing people“, said the US president on Friday, Joe biden.

Asked by reporters about his message to groups like Facebook regarding disinformation about covid-19, the president said: “They are killing people.” “The only pandemic we have is among those who are not vaccinated. They are killing people,” he said before leaving the White House by helicopter.

the Biden government drastically toughened its tone this week against big tech groups, calling on them to fight more against false information about coronavirus vaccines.

“There are about 12 people who produce 65% of the vaccine misinformation on social media platforms. All of them remain active on Facebook, although some have even been banned from other platforms “owned by Facebook, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Thursday, without naming names.

Facebook needs to be faster to delete dangerous messages And they break the rules, messages that break their rules often persist for days. It’s too long. Information travels too fast, ”he added.

Mark Zuckerberg’s group defended themselves, claiming to have already removed “over 18 million misinformation about COVID” and “distributed reliable information about COVID-19 and vaccines to over 2 billion people.”

The United States is working to revive the coronavirus vaccination, especially in the face of the rapid spread of the Delta variant. According to health authorities, the current increase in infections and deaths from Covid-19 across the country is almost exclusively affecting unvaccinated people.

“There is a clear message coming: it turns into a pandemic of unvaccinatedRochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), told reporters Friday.

Many of those who refuse to vaccinate, despite the easy availability of doses across the United States, have said they do not trust the vaccines.

The skepticism is fueled both by bogus posts from anti-vaccine activists on social media and by Republican politicians who claim vaccines are part of government control attempts.


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