Joe Biden called for “immediate and unconditional release …


US President Joe Biden has demanded the “immediate and unconditional” release of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalni, detained since January 17. On first visit to State Department, Democratic President vows to “counter authoritarianism” from China and Russia and he felt that the war in Yemen must end, then he will stop supporting Saudi Arabia. He also demanded that the military who orchestrated the coup in Myanmar “relinquish power” and release the detained activists and officials.

“Diplomacy is back,” Biden remarked. in what seemed to be a clear definition of his new foreign relations policy. “I made it very clear to President Putin that the days when the United States submitted to Russian aggression, interfering with our elections, with cyberattacks or poisoning its citizens, are over.”, assured the president.

Biden has demanded the release of Russian dissident Alexey Navalni, who was detained in Moscow last month and sentenced to more than two years in prison. The leader was poisoned last year and has spent months recovering in Germany. “Mr. Navalni, like all Russian citizens, has his rights protected by the Russian Constitution”Biden said and made sure that this “He has been the target of attacks for denouncing corruption and must be released immediately and unconditionally.”

Navalni’s arrest sparked massive protests across Russian territory in recent weekends, in which police arrested thousands of protesters. “Russia’s efforts to suppress freedom of expression and peaceful assembly are a matter of deep concern to us and the international community.”Biden cautioned in this regard.

The United States must “stand there in the face of advancing authoritarianism, particularly China’s growing ambitions and Russia’s desire to weaken our democracy.” said the Democratic president. Regarding China, he assured that Washington would not allow “economic abuses” or attacks on human rights, intellectual property and global governance., although he declared himself “ready to work with Beijing, when it is in the interest of the United States”.

In another part of his speech called on the Burmese army to “relinquish power” they occupied this week by force and demanded the release of leaders and activists detained after the coup, including the Nobel Peace Prize winner and ousted head of government, Aung San Suu Kyi.

Regarding Yemen, Biden said the war “must end”, so he will withdraw Washington’s support for the Saudi offensive against the Houthi rebels and suspend arms sales. He argued he would step up diplomacy to end “a war that has created a strategic humanitarian catastrophe.”

The president also reported that will paralyze the withdrawal of American troops in Germany until “our military presence is properly aligned with our international policy and national security priorities.” The measure was taken by the government of Donald Trump.

In a 180-degree turn from Trump’s policies, Biden to increase annual refugee quota the country admits to 125 thousand, after that, during the term of his predecessor, this quota will reach historically low levels. In this way, the Democratic president will seek to increase by eight the number of refugees who can be admitted to the United States.


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