Joe Biden called for the resignation of the governor of New York, accused of sexual harassment | The attorney general’s office has found evidence of Andrew Cuomo’s abuse of his employees


The president of the United States, Joe Biden, on Tuesday called for the resignation of New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo, after the New York attorney general’s office determined, after conducting a thorough investigation, that Cuomo sexually harassed multiple male and female employees, created a “hostile working climate” and retaliated against at least one of them.

i think i should stop“said the US president at a press conference at the White House.

Cuomo has categorically denied the allegations against him, and insisted that “the facts are very different from what has been described”. “I want you to know directly from me that I have never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate sexual advances,” the governor said in a televised speech after state attorney general Letitia James said published the results of the investigation.

During the proceedings, Cuomo had also denied the charges, but the attorney general’s office, after collecting testimonies from 179 people and 74,000 physical evidence (documents, emails, messages, photos), considered that “His refusals lack credibility and are inconsistent with the weight of the evidence obtained during the investigation.”

After five months of investigation into various charges, James assured that the results “reveal a disturbing but clear picture”. The governor broke “state and federal laws” by “sexually harassing several women, many of whom are young, with inappropriate touching, kissing, hugging and commenting that were unwanted” between 2013 and 2020, said the prosecutor, who cited independent investigators to do so. move the case forward.

Studies show a “conduct that corrodes all the fabric and character of our state government, and highlights the injustice that can be present at the highest levels of government, ”added James.

Additionally, testing revealed that Cuomo’s behavior was not limited to members of his own staff, but also extended to other female employees, including state police and citizens.

Finally, James felt that the work of the Office of the Prosecutor in this case ended with the publication of the 165-page document, but stressed that the door is open to “Government, the (State) Assembly and to the general public ”, as well as to the women involved who could“ decide to bring a civil action ”.

In all, there are 11 complainants, including 9 employees or former civil servants. “Everyone found Cuomo’s behavior disturbing, humiliating, uncomfortable and inappropriate.”


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