Joe Biden called Vladimir Putin a “murderer” and …


US President Joe Biden has said he agrees that his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin is a “murderer” and warned that he “will pay the consequences” for allegedly trying to undermine his candidacy in the 2020 election. from an interview broadcast on Wednesday by ABC Network and Russia, they warned that they were an “attack” against that country.

Biden’s statement contrasts with the firm refusal of his predecessor, Donald Trump, to say anything negative about the Russian president. “Do you think he’s a murderer?” He asked the Democrat during the interview. “Yes, I do,” he replied.

Biden and Putin spoke last January after the Democrat arrived in the White House. “We had a long conversation, him and I know him relatively well,” said Biden, Barack Obama’s vice president between 2009 and 2017.

According to Biden, during this contact he said, “I know you and you know me. If I establish that this has happened, prepare yourself. ”

Biden did not clarify whether he was referring to Russian interference in the US election or other behavior the US questions. Among other things, Washington accuses the Kremlin of the alleged intoxication and imprisonment of Russian opponent Alexei Navalni.

In Russia, they did not hesitate to react to such a statement by the President of the United States. “Biden insulted the citizens of our country with his statement,” Lower House Speaker Viacheslav Volodin wrote on his Telegram channel, adding that the attacks on Putin are “attacks on our country”.


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