Joe Biden confronts the ‘authoritarianism’ of China and Russia


United States President Joe Biden today vowed to counter the authoritarianism of China and Russia, said the war in Yemen must end, so stop supporting Saudi Arabia, and demanded that the Burmese army which occupied the government relinquish power and release the militants and officials detained.

Diplomacy is back, Biden noted. in what seemed to be a definition of his future foreign policy, during his first visit to Department of State in Washington.

“America is back, the diplomacy is back, you are at the center of everything I plan to do, ”he said. Biden escorted by the Vice President Kamala Harris, in another tacit questioning of the isolationist policy of his predecessor, Donald Trump.

In addition, the president put forward his intention to increase by eight the number of refugees who can be admitted. United States of the historic low which had imposed Asset.

According to a campaign promise, Biden set an annual quota of refugees eligible for admission under the resettlement program at 125,000, compared to 15,000 for the current fiscal year.


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