Joe Biden deleted the strange “red button” used by Donald Trump in the White House


Joe Biden assumed the presidency of the United States a few days ago, and in addition to multiple executive orders, he also decided to eliminate one of the more unusual objects of his predecessor Donald Trump: a particular “red button” that was on the president’s desk.

In 2017, the special box that the Republican ordered to install was discovered. It wasn’t for emergencies, or to communicate with anyone, or to free the country’s nuclear arsenal. It was to bring him his favorite drink, a famous “cola” flavor, in a light version.

Now he has disappeared from the office occupied by the new President of the United States in the Oval Room.

The detail would have gone unnoticed had it not been for a Twitter post from political commentator and host Tom Newton Dunn, in which drew attention to the device, which may well resemble the dreaded nuclear missile activation button that in more than one film appears in the presidential office.

“President Biden removed the button from Diet Coke. When Tim Shipman and I interviewed Donald Trump in 2019, we were struck by what the little button was doing. Finally, Trump squeezed him, and a butler quickly pulled out a diet coke on a silver tray. He’s gone, ”Dunn wrote.

The message includes a sequence of photos in which it is observed a wooden box with a little red button sticking out and that it is located next to the phones that Trump used, but that Biden’s first day in the White House is no longer being observed.

The publication it went viral and many echoed the comment. Our favorite post is @NanaFine, who asked on Twitter “What would you ask?” I raw ham. All day, all the time, I never get tired ”.

One of the most tempting options: ham and cheese toast. “Or Carlitos for those of us on the inside,” suggested Sebastián Solimo.

During the administration of the Republican magnate, it was learned that I used to constantly order burgers -There are photos with many options from one of the biggest fast food chains in the world- and it was said that could drink up to twelve cans of the popular cola drink per day. The ex-governor also didn’t like exercise, even though he played golf.

Now White House correspondents point out that Biden also shares a taste for soft drinks with his predecessor, and a catering supplier who has worked with the new president told the newspaper. The Washington Post last year that Biden always liked having the version in his closet zero drink, unlike Trump who chooses the option light.


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