Joe Biden Moves Toward Declassification of September 11, 2001 Material | In six months, the documents could be made public


A week after the twentieth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, The president of the United States, Joe biden, signed a decree this Friday examine documents related to the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. In this way, the intention to declassify this material is addressed. It is a promise the president made in early August.

Biden has asked the Justice Department and other relevant agencies to review the declassification, the White House said in a statement. The measure is taken just days before the commemoration of the twentieth anniversary of the attacks, which left 3,000 dead.

The decree requires “the attorney general to make declassified documents public within the next six months.” Biden stressed that “we must never forget the continuing pain of the families and loved ones of the 2,977 innocent people who died in the worst terrorist attack on the United States in our history. For them, it was not just a tragedy. national and international. It has been a personal devastation. “

He added that his “heart goes out to the families of September 11 who are suffering” and that his government “will continue to respectfully engage with the members of this community”.

Early August, The Justice Department announced that the FBI decided to examine the 9/11 documents to “identify additional information to be disseminated as soon as possible”.

The decision comes after more than 1600 people affected by the attacks send a letter to Biden requesting declassification of information.

The attacks of twenty years ago have the so-called “war on terror” from the government of George W. Bush. With the promise to fight the Al-Qaeda network and its leader, Osama Bin Laden, for the attacks of September 11, The United States invades Afghanistan, an operation which resulted a few days ago in the total withdrawal of troops and the return to power of the Taliban.


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