Joe Biden sacked US Border Patrol chief appointed by Donald Trump


United States President Joe Biden
United States President Joe Biden

The Government of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, impeached Customs and Border Protection (CBP) chief Rodney Scott, appointed during former President Donald Trump’s tenure (2017-2021), the affected person himself reported on Wednesday.

In a message to your personal Facebook account, Rodney explained that he had received a letter informing him of his “reassignment”.

He clarified that normally the recipient of this type of letter has three options “a relocation, a reassignment or a withdrawal”, and that it is not a disciplinary measure and that it does not have to be. give reason.

“Simply the needs of the service motivate the reassignment so that the new Administration can place the person sought in the post”, He said.

For the time being, the US executive. did not confirm this measure.

Following his announcement, Scott, who took office in February 2020, announced that he would remain in the post for approximately 60 days until the transition occurs.

Former US President Donald Trump and Rodney Scott at the Mexican border
Former US President Donald Trump and Rodney Scott at the Mexican border

The television network CNN He anticipated that Scott would be temporarily replaced in this post by what was until now CBP deputy chief Raúl Ortiz.

Since Biden took over the presidency last January, the impeachment of Scott, who appeared alongside Trump in several election events defending the heavy hand on immigration during the campaign for the election last November, has been expected. , which the Democrat won.

The crisis with the massive influx of migrants from the border with Mexico exploded for Biden in the first months of his tenure.

In May alone, CBP detained more than 180,000 migrants at the southern border, the highest number recorded in a month in the past two decades.

Biden told his vice-president, Kamala Harris, at the end of March, the management of the migration crisis, even if the arrival of undocumented migrants has continued to increase in recent months.

(With information from the EFE)


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