Joe Biden: “The collapse of Afghanistan was faster than expected” | A word from the American president, after the Taliban occupation of Kabul


The american president Joe Biden stressed his interest in withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan, even when the Taliban occupied Kabul.. During a press conference, the American head of state admitted that the fall of the Afghan capital at the hands of the insurgent force “has occurred more quickly than expected”, although he said that “Nation building” has never been an objective of the United States in this Asian country.

“I do not regret my decision to end the US presence in Afghanistan. I am not going to ask our troops to fight indefinitely in another country’s civil war,” Biden said, noting that the military does not ‘would intercede that if the Taliban ” get involved in our rescue operation. “” (In this case) the response will be vigorous and immediate, we will defend our people with devastating force. “

Biden’s speech came out amid scenes of chaos and panic that were seen at the airport in the city of Kabul, after the occupation of the Afghan capital by the Taliban. But, above all, the president’s voice comes after the image of a helicopter that transferred the personnel of the North American country from the diplomatic headquarters to the airport: for the United States, the image of a helicopter leak. is synonymous with the evacuation of Saigon, in 1975, when the North Vietnamese army captured the city. It is synonymous with military failure.

“I am not going to repeat the mistake of remaining in a conflict that is not ours, which is not in the best interests of the United States.”

According to John Kirby, a spokesman for the Pentagon, this Monday the sending of other 1,000 soldiers in Afghanistan, bringing the number of American soldiers in the Asian country to 7,000. Meanwhile, the spokesperson said, forces deployed in Kabul are working to “restore security”.

Currently, the Petágono assured, there are 2,500 American soldiers at the airport and 500 more will arrive in the next few hours. “We expect that in the next few hours we will be able to restore flight operations at the airport,” added the official.

The deployment comes after the Taliban announced on Sunday the capture of the capital Kabul and proclaimed the end of their offensive against government troops, which has intensified since the beginning of the military withdrawal of the United States and NATO, present. in Afghanistan since 2001.

The Taliban have already made it clear that there will be no transitional government but “a complete handover” of power and have promised to maintain order and security.

Conversations between Russia and the United States

On Monday, after President Ashraf Ghani’s flight from the Taliban offensive, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken analyzed the situation in Afghanistan by telephone.

The parties discussed the situation in Afghanistan following the flight of the Head of State from the country, the dissolution of the current organs of power and a de facto regime change underway.“the Kremlin Chancellery said in a statement.

Diplomats, the brief stated: “agreed to continue consultations with the participation of China, Pakistan, other interested countries and the United Nations (UN) to create the conditions for an inclusive Afghan dialogue in the new realities. “

According to the Sputnik news agency, during the appeal, Blinken briefed Lavrov on the steps the United States is taking to evacuate its diplomats from Kabul and resolve the “urgent humanitarian tasks arising from the situation”, while Lavrov has shared with his colleague an assessment of the Afghan crisis situation and informed him of the contacts that the Russian Embassy maintains with representatives of all political forces to help bring stability to this South Asian country.

According to what was reported by the Russian Embassy, ​​the Taliban have guaranteed an amnesty to all Afghan security and military personnel.

Amnesty International calls for “swift action” to prevent the crisis in Afghanistan from escalating

Amnesty International (AI), for its part, considered that the situation in Afghanistan constitutes “a tragedy which should have been foreseen and avoided”. If there is no “swift and decisive action by the international community, it will be made even worse.“Agnès Callamard, the general secretary of AI, warned this Monday.

“Thousands of Afghans are at grave risk of retaliation from the Taliban – from academics to journalists, civil society activists and human rights defenders – and could face a very uncertain future.” , warned the humanitarian organization.

For Amnesty, it is urgent that foreign governments take all necessary measures to ensure a safe exit from Afghanistan to those targeted by the Taliban. This includes prompt delivery of visas, offering support to people migrating from Kabul airport, providing resettlement and resettlement places, and suspending all deportations and returns, the document said.

“We call on the United States to guarantee permanent security at the airport during evacuations,” he added.called for the organization, which also urged the UN Security Council to pass an emergency resolution calling on the Taliban to respect human rights, protect the civilian population and end retaliatory attacks while the negotiations are continuing on the agreements for the transition.


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