Joe Biden to reverse measures adopted by Donald Trump during transition


The President-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, will sign the 20th of this month, the day of his taking charge, a decree aimed at blocking measures which the outgoing agent, Donald Asset, was ordered after the elections and did not come into force until the time of succession, The former’s spokeswoman Jen Psaki reported on Saturday.

“As other incoming administrations have done before, the White House by Joe Biden and (Vice President-elect) Kamala Harris issue an executive order that will take effect on the afternoon of January 20, Eastern Time“Anticipated the spokesperson.

This rule “will stop or delay the midnight regulations, measures taken by the Trump administration that did not come into effect on the day of the inauguration.”“From Biden’s tenure, Psaki added, quoted by the news agency. ANSA.

The so-called “midnight regulations” are the standards enacted by the outgoing administration during the transitional period from election day to the day of the inauguration of the president-elect.

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He announced tariffs on European products. From the bloc, they questioned “unilateral action”.

As an example, Psaki cited a Labor Department resolution aimed at allowing companies to “misclass” their employees as independent contractors to avoid minimum wages and overtime pay.

On the other hand, Biden has vowed to sign a series of executive orders immediately after his inauguration, including those that will allow the United States to return to the Paris Agreement on climate change and the World Health Organization (WHO).


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