Joe Biden warned Russia that cyber attacks could lead to war


Joe Biden (Photo: REUTERS)
Joe Biden (Photo: REUTERS)

US President Joe Biden on Tuesday issued a stern warning to Russia and its President Vladimir Putin, saying that cyber attacks could one day end up “triggering a veritable armed conflict”.

In a speech to the intelligence community, Biden warned against risk of escalation because of cyberthreats, but also because of the “danger” represented by Putin, which he attributes to his weak position in the global context.

Putin “only has nuclear weapons and oil, that’s all. He knows he has problems and that makes him more dangerous “Biden said in a speech during a visit to the office of Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines.

Joe Biden speaks with Christy Abizaid, director of the National Counterterrorism Center (Photo: REUTERS)
Joe Biden speaks with Christy Abizaid, director of the National Counterterrorism Center (Photo: REUTERS)

In his speech to dozens of intelligence agents, Biden pointed out that cyber threats cause, as already seen, significant damage in the real world.

Biden also spoke of damage generated by disinformation and at that time he again criticized Russia, believing that this country is disseminating this false data “in an attempt to influence” in next year’s midterm elections in the United States.

Look at what Russia is already doing with the 2022 elections and disinformation. It is an outright violation of our sovereignty “the president said in reference to information he received on the 2022 elections, when members of Congress, governors and other local positions will be elected.

US President Joe Biden, right, and Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, shake hands as they arrive at the US-Russia summit at Villa La Grange in Geneva, Switzerland, June 16 (Photo: EFE)
US President Joe Biden, right, and Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, shake hands as they arrive at the US-Russia summit at Villa La Grange in Geneva, Switzerland, June 16 (Photo: EFE)

The US president hasn’t forgotten about China, either. in this speech, in which he pointed out that He spent more time with Chinese President Xi Jinping than with any other world leader, even though that was when he was vice president.

Warned that China on its way to becoming the world’s largest military force and in the biggest economy on the planet, something he will achieve at this rate, he said, in the 2040s.

Washington recently accused Beijing of leading the massive March attack on Microsoft Exchange, while repeatedly asked Russia take action against ransomware attacks originating in the country.

FILE PHOTO: The flags of China and the United States in front of an American company building in Beijing (Photo: REUTERS)
FILE PHOTO: The flags of China and the United States in front of an American company building in Beijing (Photo: REUTERS)

In all cases, He admitted that the United States must also cooperate with Russia and China, even though they are “deadly competitors”.

In the fall of 2022, calls will take place midterm elections in the United States, in which all seats in the House of Representatives and one-third of the seats in the Senate are renewed.

Also many are chosen governors and other state and municipal positions.

Biden discusses mandatory vaccinations for federal employees

The US President said on Tuesday that he was “considering“Make COVID-19 vaccination mandatory for federal workers, at a time when the delta variant is spreading across the United States and a significant number of Americans remain reluctant to be vaccinated.

After a speech at the office of the National Intelligence Director, Biden claimed his government was considering the possibility in response to a journalist’s question.

Meanwhile, the Department of Veterans Affairs became the first federal agency to make obligatory vaccination against COVID-19 for their health workers.

A few hours earlier, the White House press secretary, Jen psaki, left open the possibility of more agencies implementing similar requirements, noting that the government would continue “Finding ways to protect our workers and save more lives. “

(With information from AP EFE and AFP)

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